
My one year old child beats me... what should i do?

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okay, i have a one year old little girl and she has a temper problem. she gets really upset about little things and when she does she turns to abuse. she does things as far as pinching my neck, biting, and holding her elbow to my thoart. she is only 15 months and i dont know what to do about her problem. I know that this is not normal toddler behavior. if anyone out there has any advice please share with me. its so bad that im actually scared to say anything around her cause its like she understands what im saying and if she doesnt like it she beats me. please anybody help




  1. show her who is boss.

  2. It makes no sense to tell a child don't hit then turn around and hit them get a clue people. Ignore the child completely put down and ignore her completely until she calms down explain hitting is not nice and will not be tolerated if that doesn't work put her in time out for about 2 minutes.  It is called reinforcement when you feed into the negative energy by giving it attention it makes the problem escalate.

  3. i am going to be the first to tell you that if  you dont get help now you will have a whole lot of problems as she is getting older.  I suggest you be stern and dont act as if she is the boss and you are afriad of her. Say what you mean and mean what you say or else. I believe in popping a childs bottom for o ne and for two if she is going to go to head start or day care you are going to be sorry. Good luck

  4. You're her mother, you really need to like force her to stop. You should see someone about it. She needs help. I wonder how she got to be like that too

  5. Dear mom,

    I think you need professional help for your situation. Your child might have some behavioral problems that can be corrected. ( One suggestion I have is to get control right away. Put your daughter in her playpen for a few minutes at any sign of bitting, kicking, or hitting. If you don't solve this problem, it will only get worse . You are in charge.

  6. You're the mother she is the child show her who makes the rules and stick to them.  When did this behavior start anyway?  Did something trigger it?

    Kids just dont become violent for no reason.

  7. get a hold of your child she is only 15 months old and you are already having abuse problems wait untill she is a teenager.Put her in time out everytime she does it!

  8. give her the silent treatment.or just woop her lil behind and make her know her limits.

  9. mmm your little girl sound a lot like mine, my daughter is 19 months and also has a very bad temper. She also hits me nips me and bites me. its hard but when does it i say "do you want to go to bed?" in a firm voice and she doesnt like that one bit and seems to stop.  If she continues then i put her in her cot and she really does calm down. You should try it. good luck.

  10. Let her know that you are the boss, not her. Don't hit her back because that will confuse her even more. You can't say don't hit and then turn around and spank her. When she hits you grab her hand and hold it. She will probably scream or try and get away. Stay firm. Then tell her what she did wrong. After that she is old enough to begin time outs. Put her in time out. They say put your child in time out for 1 minute per year old they are. Be consistent because it is hard at first, but then she will learn. If all fails talk to a child psychologist and see what their opinion is. They could also give you advice on what to do and how to handle her. Good luck and I hope things get better for you. God Bless

  11. My brother had this problem when he was younger. He would get physically violent with all the adults without cause or reason. Sometimes just being in the room was enough cause for him to throw his tantrum.

    My mom took him to a doctor to see what she should do. She told him that every time he would get physical to throw cold water in his face. She didnt think it would work but it did. After the first instance, it was a shock to him. But after a few times, he quickly learned that that behavior would not be tolerated at all.

    My mother always felt that the violence you show a toddler will define how he acts during his terrible twos. Now is the time to establish boundaries.

    Good luck.

  12. I have twins.

    when they did that to eachother, I would take away every toy and turn off the TV.

    They settled down and learned very quickly

  13. You need to seek some psychiatric help. My sister started off the same way, only a bit older. At 14, she had a complete mental breakdown and had to be put on medication and everything. What you're describing sounds like there is a big problem and it's not a toddler being a normal toddler.

  14. grab her hands, say NO, stick her in her playpen and walk away.

    do not give her 1 ounce of attention for at least 15 minutes.  then go to her for a hug.  if she hits again, repeat.

  15. First of all you r the parent she is the child.2,a few spankings wouldn't hurt.

  16. Do you own a ladle?

  17. show her who the f*ck is the boss in this house and bring her to some therapsit or something... idk what they are actually called

  18. U know...I feel sorry for u...Sometimes u have to set some rules in the house.  That's what standing on the corner means.  Until she get that into her little head.  She could stand on the corner for a Loooong time.  TIME OUT !

  19. i think you should put her in a time out with nothing to entertain her

  20. Honestly, I would call Supernanny.

    I would also show your authority over her as her parent. Look her straight in the eye and say, "-------, you are way out of line! You may not hit me! Then sit her in timeout for about 5-10 minutes depending on the situation.

  21. Um sounds like that girl needs a few slaps on the butt. That will set her straight for life =P

    Seriously, you're the adult - she's the kid. You have more power..

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