
My one year old daughter is still getting a tan even though i am obsessive about putting on the sunscreen?

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I make sure my daughter gets sunscreen spf 50 or above every hour/hour and a half when outside...she is still getting quiet a dark tan!!! What is up with that? I take care of a little girl and apply the same sunscreen within the same time period and she doesn't tan nearly as much as my little girl. Is it just her skin type?




  1. it happens.  sounds like you are doing a good job of taking care of her.  i wouldn't worry.

  2. sunscreen only keeps you from getting burnt. you can still get a tan its normal

  3. Ask your doc about the applying so much sunscreen.  It has been found since people are using so much sunscreen that they are having hugely deficient vit. D levels.  Many of my family have been put on prescription vit D pills.  Vit D comes from the sun and regular sun exposure without sunscreen is recommended.  There are many diseases associated with vit D deficiency.  We routinely check our levels each year.  Those with a darker skin tone need even more exposure.  There are tons of info on this.  Just search vit. D and the sun

  4. she is blocking most of the bad rays..what can ya do

  5. lol yes it is very normal! she has good skin, my daughter is the same way. i always keep 50spf sunscreen on her yet she is very dark. they just got lucky,lol besides sunscreen dosnt stop tanning it just stops the harmful uv rays.

  6. She is fine.  My daughters are the same way.  One is 6 and she is always very tan know matter how much I put on her.  People keep telling me that my 1 yr old is the tannest baby they have ever seen and I always make sure she has sunblock on.  So I think that it is just there skin.  I wouldn't worry as long as you are putting on the sunblock I think that she will be fine.  I never worried about my kids just envied them for getting a better tan than me!!!

  7. It sounds like it is her skin tone. Also even the higher SPF sunscreens don't block out ALL the suns rays. So even if you are putting sunscreen on that can still get tan through it. It just helps so that you don't burn as easily. Good Luck and have a great summer!!!

  8. She must have beautiful skin!  Please don't worry about a tan.  It's a burn that you need to worry about.  As long as that isn't happening she's fine.  My children have very different skin types.  My son is very fair and my daughter is more olive.  I am obsessed with putting sunscreen on them both.  By the end of the summer my daughter is very tan and my son looks like he's been inside all season.

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