
My one year old daughter.........?

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Barely drinks any milk! She has been like this from birth (she was 7 weeks prem and was on cow and gate formula untill she was one)

Shes on cows milk now and we thought she may prefer this to her formula but its still a nightmare getting her to drink it.

I do obviously top up her calcium intake by giving her plenty of cheese, fromage frais, creamy mash etc but i have always worried about her milk intake.

She is a healthy little one and is growing well and takes plenty of water during the day but has anyone else had this experience?

My health visitor said not to worry as shes growing fine and it is really like she just doesnt like the taste of milk. Weve even tried smoothies, milkshakes etc with no avail plus i dont like giving her anything sugary!





  1. Milk is not a necessity. What's in milk is. Just make sure, liek you are already doing, to make sure she gets those nutrients from other things.

  2. I wouldn't worry about this either.  I have both a girl and a boy and both of them went off drinking milk from about a year old or so too.  My eldest girl (who is 7) still will not drink milk and my youngest (4) has only started to take the odd drink of milk and they are both healthy children and growing normally with a good diet.

  3. When we first switched my 1 yr old over to cow's milk, he wouldn't drink it either.  He would just spit it out.  

    Then it dawned on me that he was used to drinking his formula warm or at room temperature and wasn't liking the cold milk right from the fridge.

    So, we started warming his milk for a few seconds in the microwave to get it to room temperature and he'll drink every last drop.  

    Now I'm just wondering if I'll still be microwaving his milk 5 years from now... :P

  4. I don't think you have to worry if she's getting her calcium through eating other diary products. I think all toddlers have something they protest to eating/drinking which you think is in their best interest - but they usually grow out of it.

    My daughter - now 4- hated eating full stop when she was 1. Had to sneak spoonfuls of food into her mouth whilst sitting her in front of the Simpson's!

  5. Have you tried soy milk?

    My babies did not do to well with regular milk but they loved soy, and you can get it in regular flavor or vannila or chocolate.

    Good luck!

  6. At 9 mos old my daughter decided she HATED formula.  We switched her to cow's milk and that was OK for a few days.  Then she started refusing that so I tried to add a little vanilla to it.  She would tolerate that to a degree but she wouldn't take much, only a couple of ounces.  My ped. told me she just didn't like milk but that she'd be OK b/c she was growing and hitting all the milestones on time.  He did tell me to give her one kids tums a day for calcium.

  7. my 5 year old is lactose intolerant so never has dairy is perfectly healthy and strong so dont worry as long as she has a healthy diet lots of fruit and veg have calcium x

  8. The health visitor knows best but have you tried the milky moo lolly's? They are love sugar high calcium!

    Or why not try a different milk ie skimmed, semi, skimmer or full fat! The only difference is the fat in it rather than the calcium levels!

  9. ~ My 3 yo does not drink milk at all.

    I wound not worry about your little girl, as long as she's growing fine.  Feed her a healthy, balanced diet..  I think your on the right track, keep giving her other sources of calcium.  She'll be fine!

  10. if it is the flavor try mixing a little bit of her formula with the milk and slowly transfer to milk.. my son wouldn't drink milk from a cup only a bottle took us a few weeks to figure that out.  Have you tried different drinking methods? (cup vs bottle)

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