
My one-year old male cat bites and kneads on this one blanket. Is it just a comfort thing?

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He will do it until he gets tired. It's so cute and I don't see any reason to stop him from it since he's not hurting anyone. But it's only this one and only blanket he uses.




  1. Yes he feels comforted and happy :) my kitten does this when she has a string in her mouth.  She goes around and starts kneading the couches and pillows.  

  2. Yeah it's a comfort thing. Just be sure to check the blanket for holes on occasion so he isn't swallowing any of the fibers. And don't wash it unless you absolutely have to. It will remove his own scent and might upset him.

  3. Yuppers, it's a comfort thing, one thing, until he stops using this blanket and this blanket only, especially if he is young, do not wash it, do not wash it. This action is "mimicing" the action of kneading his mother's belly for milk when he was a wee little one!

  4. that means hes a happy kitty and its a good thing so dont worry bout him hes old he need hes sleep!!!

  5. oh yes it's definitely a comfort thing. cats like to mark their favorite items around the house!  

  6. Kneading is very normal.  It means he feels loved/pampered.  He will continue to knead as long as he lives, but it will more typically be your thigh when he is on your lap.

    My cat used to draw blood.  I would always get a blanket when she wanted to sit on me, so that she could knead the blanket instead of my legs!

  7. yes and they do it to look cute xD ! for real they do my 17 yr old cat does that and yeah iys a comfort thing

  8. my cats do that. its perfectly normal, they just do it to get the blanket nice and comfy so they can sleep! just leave your cat to it, cos they love to sleep ^_^

  9. We have four cats that live at the veterinary clinic where I work. They ALL do this to a particular bed that we have for them. It's normal, and it's adorable, so let him do it.

  10. dont worry, its just like a toy he enjoys to play with, nothing bad

  11. AWW sounds like my kitties!! I have 2 16 month old cats and a 5 month old and one of the 16 month old has a thing with blue blankets when he gets tired he kneads and bites on the blanket also, his mom ran away when he was not ready to be weaned yet so that might be why, and my 5 month old kneads on Tentou's (the cat who does the kneading on blankets) tummy and acts like he is nursing, when he was younger he actually did suck and my cat just goes along with it like he is the mommy LOL! I also had a friend whos cat kneaded on people didnt bite but kneaded. Its fine. My cats are all males too


    thats sweet..

    maybe it has some anger it wants to let out..

    only seek help if he starts doing it to you...


  13. Well, if the blanket is rolled into a ball then he thinks its a mother cat and he will massage her until he can't anymore.

  14. Kneading is a good thing, it means they are happy.  Just let him use it.


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