
My one year old male cockateil did something really wierd yesterday....?

by  |  earlier

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I think he puked, but it was more like a sneeze and all these seeds came shooting out of his beak. He seemed okay after that, and it never happened again. Why would he do that?




  1. i agrree with the 1st 2 proboly he choked or he had the seeds and hhe was eating then sneezeddd

  2. Well, he could have already had the seads in his mouth when he sneesed, so he just kinda spat 'em out. lol. Then again, you may be getting the wrong kind of food for him. you should definately research the food and your bird.

  3. I was thinking the same thing as the last person that your Cockatiel is in love with you. My African Grey does that too me. She will try to feed me like I am her baby.  And my other birds will do the same but my Grey does it ALOT!.

    You might want to check out this forum and ask there. It is a bird forum with other bird owners and breeders.

  4. either simple sneezed or he was trying to tell u he loves you, males do that, they regurgitate in the females mouth, it is basically saying "look how good of a father i could be! i love you lets mate!!) lol  check out for good cockatiel info

  5. My cockatiel has done that before.  I think it is just because they choke or something. He'll be fine.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  7. Hi,

    Now to me it sounds like he is in love with you and is bringing his food up to feed you just like another bird.

    My parrot does the same thing and will bring his food up in my ear etc to try and feed me.

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