
My one year old niece has been sleeping for 3 hours is that good?

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shes been asleep since 10:30 and its almost 1:30 is that good? should i wake up her up?





  1. Dont wake her up!

    I have a 3 year old and a one year old. The doctor says the more they sleep the more they grow. Most babies tend to miss a couple of hours during the day or night.

  2. Thats a good thing babies need a lot of rest when they are young so don't wake her up please it will only cause her to get a huge fit then go back to sleep.

  3. she's fine alot of children at that age will take about 4-5 hour naps depending on how much activity they have had during the day

  4. sounds wonderful. Enjoy your time. I am sure she will be waking up shortly on her own and probably will be ready for lunch. I never ever wake a sleeping baby.  

  5. Don't wake her up.  If she is sleeping this long, then she needs the rest.  My daughter would sometimes nap up to 4 hours, so I wouldn't really be concerned  :)

  6. It's totally normal.

    If you are nervous about her sleep pattern, look it up in What to Expect the Toddler Years. There's a lot of info about how long and when they should sleep.

  7. don't wake her daughter is 21 months old and still takes a 3 hr nap. Enjoy the quiet time.

  8. No, don't wake her up.  It's not uncommon for a child that age to conk out for a 3+ hour nap if she's really tired.  My 13-month-old does it occasionally as did her 3 older siblings at that age.  Now, if it were evening and she had been napping 3 hours, I'd probably wake her up to make sure she slept well that night.  But, just leave her be for now.

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