
My onion plant in my tank?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i bought a onion plant for my tank.

about 5 or 6 inches tall.

all the leaf things are becoming really limp and breaking apart.

whats going on?

waters clear.

3 fish in a 20 gallon.

maybe theres no CO2?

if so i dont want to suffocate my fish by putting it in there.




  1. It is reacting to an entirely new environment.  New lights (spectrum, intensitity, duration), new pH, new hardness, new nutrient levels, new CO2, and probably a new substrate as well.  All these changes, which fish would adjust to by hiding, must be coped with in plants by 'melting' and then regrowing.  Glassy or brown leaves are one of the most common repsonses, though you may lose some root growth as well.  Do NOT remove healthy looking leaves, as they (especially if younger) will likely make it, but anything that looks in bad shape, cut off and throw away.

  2. adding liquid co2 and folllowing the instructions on the bottle will not harm the fish also add liquid iron it is common for some plants to act like this when first added to the tank you should trin the leaves back where they are breaking apart and give them some time to come around

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