
My only other paranormal experience?

by  |  earlier

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When I was 8 I went to bed on night. Back then when I did I always looked over the top to see if there were any "monsters". Well that was the last time I did that as this one time I saw peering back at me two red eyes. Not lights from some source there were no sources for red lights I know that for a fact. So I got up and ran to my aunt and uncle's room and as I did I turned on a ligh in the hall. As I was knocking on the door to their bed room, the hall light flashed on and off. It didn't blink or flicker, it turned on and off!

Explainations or any experiences of your own you'd like to share?

This is the only other paranormal thing I've truely experienced in my life, making 3 experiences in all.

Also there was one room, that had a seperate kind of carpet and curtains. I always had a kind of sick feeling whenever I would go in there, which was not often.




  1. You could have seen a demon

  2. you for sure had a paranormal experience

  3. lights turning on and off happens to me all the time.

  4. Sounds quite frightening.  Of course at that age we were all afraid of what's under our bed.  Red lights for eyes sounds like what happened in Amityville.  Once again, I wasn't there so I have no idea.  The only natural explanation I can think of is perhaps you were dreaming this or your creative imagination/memory has prevented you from remembering the event exactly as it occurred.

  5. okay. this is what you must do. write this down. and follow EVERY instruction. to the detail. everything must be done according to my instructions. u understand this? okay.

    first, when you p**p, see which direction it is pointed toward.

    second, the next time u eat corn, you can only eat three kernels at a time. if more, you will probably never find the answer to ur questions. if less, im not really sure what will  happen. im not an expert or anything.

    third, when you go to bed tonite, make sure you sleep the other way, (foot on pillow, head at the other end of the bed).

    after doing all of the above, im sure that some day, somewhere, you will be led to the answer to your question.

  6. Again here we have another paranormal experience revolving around a child and bed time.Is this a coincidence?I don't think anyone alive didn't have that happen as a child.Sorry to give the same answer,but it is the most likely.

    I have a feeling one day you'll experience something like this again.It will all come together and you'll know for sure what happened.

  7. Wow, the last experience is what grabbed my attention. I had the same thing happen to me when I was about 8-9 years old. We called my room "Ralph's room" because every time I slept in there I would uncontrollably vomit all night. Let me explain...

    My family has always lived on the same piece of property. My Grandmother found this beautiful estate that is worth 4.5 million. It was 300 acres and had a 14 bedroom house, a full library, like 16 bathrroms,  and had two studio's in the also. Plus there was a pool house which my mom took with a sauna, hot tub, 14ft deep pool...ok needless to say this property was gorgeous.  We started to notice strange things when we went up just to look at the place, we video tapped it because my grandfather was sick and couldnt take the 2 hr drive to what would be our new residence. We all went and seen the house so we really didnt bother watching the video when we got back. it was for grandpa. well he watched it and called us in to his room and is like there is nooooooooooo way i am buying that place. We thought the stuff he had claimed to see in the tapes was because of his demetia. well were we wrong. there were spirits all over this place. you could litterally make out exactly what they looked like. it was like on a movie. it looked liked a real live person standing there, but transparent. they never tried to harm us, it was like they just wondered around. we would take stethoscopes and hold them up to the walls and hear pianos playing. it was crazy. i had a room at the big house and i had a room at the pool house with my mom, and my bedroom had something in it that if i tried to sleep in there i would get violently ill. my family is pretty much fearless and after a few of my episodes other people would try and sleep a night in "ralphs room" and the same exact thing happened to them aswell. Come to find out a Dr. way back in the day built this place where he would bring  terminal patients to die in a peaceful beautiful place.  

    I am  grown now and work in a nursing facilty for elderly people. I was out smoking with a resident(patient) and he was talking about how he used to live out on a ranch blah blah well it was the same area of my old house and i told him that i had lived out in the same area and asked him if he knew the name of our ranch"richardson's ranch" and he was like "oh jesus, dont talk about that place or that crazy doctor!!!" and got really aggressive with me and after i had calmed him down i asked him what the problem with Dr. R and the ranch. He went off telling me the doctor was crazy and was telling people I can cure you of this and that... my patient told me"yah the son of a ***** cured em ol'right he killed em" i guess this man thought they didnt have cancer after they were dead, so he didnt think he was lying, i guess. needless to say he grabbed alot of attention with this place for the looks and accomidations it had. he had alot of patients that died there. but this old man in my nursing home swears he killed em one by one. i have heard this from other sources too, just word of mouth nothing recorded in old papers or library on it, so he never was found guilty of malpractice or murder... if he did kill that would explain sooo many lost souls, but i dont know about the puke thing.

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