
My ornate box turtle won't open it's mouth. so how am i supposed to feed it?

by Guest59353  |  earlier

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it hasn't eatin nothing in 4 days & all it does it sleep & it just acts lethargic all day.




  1. How long have you had it, and has it been eating?  Does it have a substrate to burrow into and feel secure?  Is it warm enough?  Are you sure you're offering it the correct food items?

    If you're sure it is being properly cared for, and it has been eating, then try spreading a thin layer of cod liver oil around its beak (mouth) with a cotton swab.  I've used this as an appetite stimulant on tortoises, and had success with it.  

    But, don't attempt to pry the mouth open.  You can damage or bruise it, and then the animal will be unable to eat.

    Google box turtle sites, and see if you can find any eating problem solutions there.

    I sure hope the lil darlin starts to eat soon.

    Good luck.

    I hope this has been of help.

  2. When the animal is hungry, it should open its mouth. Try calling the vet, just in case though.

  3. You could drill a hole in it and stick a funnel of dead bugs in like a kind of drip. Or you could drop it out of a window onto some hard paving and see if that wakes it up.

    Or maybe it isn't warm enough. Cold makes reptiles lethargic. Does it count as a reptile? Amphibian is it, I know. Cold blooded I think and maybe it's too cold. Switch another light on and d**n the expense...

    Or is it a meat pie with a hard crust and you just haven't realised it yet.

    I'm no expert, though, so maybe you'd better take it to the vet, like the other guy said. And take a credit card. Those vet suckers will bleed you dry.

    And if you're upset, I genuinely apologise for my twisted sense of humour. I love animals. I cursed God himself when my guinea pig, Bobby, died. That was forty two years ago but I ain't forgot the little tyke. Got a cockatiel now. She's on my shoulder this second, nibbling my ear and crapping down my back every ten minutes, bless her.

    Her name is Birthday Bird (BB) because I found her on the street in a february storm on the evening of my 48th birthday and rescued her little ****. That was almost six years ago. So you see, I'm not really a cruel sh*t. Just warped in the what's funny part of my brain pan.

    Hope you're oblong tortoise gets better soon.

    Box turtle, I know. Get with it...

    Good luck to your little friend. No joke this time.

  4. To keep your turtle hydrated i suggest this -

    it will also act as a food source.  its very easy to use.  i also suggest grinding his regular food and putting it in the mix.

  5. Ornate Box Turtles are not considered easy pets, and if it was wild caught it should be released.

    When turtles don't eat, either the housing, cares, or diet need work. Try for help.

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