
My orthodontist said I need immediate grafting, should I get it?

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The gums in my lower mouth are very very low. He said that there's about 1/4 of an inch that is showing on my bottom teeth that shouldn't be. I'm scheduled to get braces the 13th, but before I get braces should I get grafting done to add to the gums so my bottom 4 teeth wont fall out, or will it be okay to wait till after my braces come off. (I think about a year). I'll look for a good picture that shows it.




  1. Get the grafting, but only if your gum pockets are deeper than 4mm. Otherwise, your Dentist is trying to selI you something, & it isn't cheap.If you are still concerned, get a second opinion by a Periodontist, who will be the one to perform the surgery anyway.I had 16 bone grafts done in my mouth in 1994 & no problems.  

  2. I got a bone graft and it helped.....Not to mention the surgery wasn't bad, I got the bone from my hip and I was walking the day after surgery in my hospital room (against doctors orders). In fact I wanted to walk out of the hospital instead of being wheeled out. The mouth pain isn't that bad but the stitches are aggravating, but I would say it's worth it.

  3. i would get the grafting, if you are getting a gum graft so your teeth don't fall out i'd get it as soon as possible.  i've gotten it done before and it wasn't bad at all.  the braces will move your teeth so it would be easier for the teeth to come out.  

  4. You need to have the grafting before the banding as the tissue may migrate further away from the teeth during ortho treatment....sounds like a very reasonable treatment plan.....

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