
My oscar has fin rot. I have been treating it now for about a week with malachite green and formalin, it does?

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not seem to be getting better, but it is not getting worse either, how long does it take for the fins to regrow. Will my Oscar get better if I don't do a complete water change. And if not how do I do a complete water change with only one tank?




  1. Why are you using malachite green + formalin?  Fin rot is almost always bacterial, and the medications you're using are more effective against fungus and parasites.  I would run activated carbon in the filter for a few hours and do a fair water change to remove the current medication and then add an antibacterial like Maracyn 2, Furan 2, Maracyn TC, TC Capsules, Triple Sulfa, Trisulfa, Kanaplex, or similar gram negative medications.  Before starting this new treatment, remove any activated carbon from the filter, and if using minocycline or tetracycline based medications, keep the tank dark, as these drugs degrade with exposure to light.

  2. Are you sure it is just fin rot?  It is going to take a while for the fins to grow back.  But with in a few days you should notice a slight improvement the fins should start to look like they are growing back you have to look closely. It can take months for the fin to fully grow back.

    The best thing for fin Rot is CLEAN WATER!  I have treated fin fungus on my bettas just by keeping their water clean I never had to use chemicals. I but put a little salt in the tank to help.  

    You should be doing 20%- 30% water changes Every day.  Do not take all the water out.  Just some everyday.  You should start to notice a change.

    Check this site out.

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