
My other stepson tapdances from morning to night, are there any ?

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tablets he could take to make him stop.?




  1. Ask Moses.  Jesus knows nothing about tablets.

  2. Not really.They don´t work,plus it´s not good to give a child any tablets unless it´s completely necessary.

  3. Yes they are readily available at your nearest plumbers merchants.Failing that chuck the taps away.

  4. Change his name to Sammy Davis, Jr.

  5. Put him in dance lessons.

  6. Why would you want to give him something to make him stop!? He's obviously doing something he loves and is passionate about it. Just be happy he's so involved in something other than TV or video games.

    Not only that but he is getting exercise. So think of it this way, he either tap dances or he's sitting on his *** in front of a screen yelling at you to get him food.

    If its really loud maybe suggest he does it outside or in the basement. But other than that, I suggest encourage him! He's being himself doing something he loves. Shouldn't a mother be proud of that?

  7. Yes i used to have the same problem many years ago, the doctor prescribed me some tablets called SLAP him tablets but they did work

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