
My outdoor plants <span title="(coleus,hibiscus,lantana,pentas">(coleus,hibiscus,lantana,...</span> lancelotta,phlox) leaves are being eaten rapidly what to do?

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The leaves are being eaten very quickly at night. I havent found the culprit. my hibiscus leaves have holes in them and all the other plants have half leaves and 3/4 leaves completly eaten away. I tried liquid 7, sluggo, and 7dust. I hate using chem's but I tried everything else. The chem's did not work and now the culprit's are back and each morning I see new damage. What is something I can use that will WORK to get rid of my prob. At this point I will try anything.

Thanks so much to all who help. Cody P.




  1. The eating of the plants could also be smalle rabits and chipmunks.  I am a landscaper and going to school to become a landscape architect and come about this alot....many stores sell a spay to prevent the eating of the planrs....also no animals or sulgs like the fragrence that maragols give off....sprinkle maragol flower (just grush it up real small) around and on the plant and you have a natural cheep way to save youyr plants

  2. If you see silvery trails, it&#039;s slugs or snails.  Put a 50/50 mix of reconstituted lemon juice and water in a sprayer and spray around your plants to run them out.  Or, for other pests, break 4 eggs and some water in a blender and blend well.  Filter through a coffee filter such as a &quot;Mr Coffee&quot; and spray the plants to stop the chewing.  If it is caterpillers, or rabbits, they hate egg.

  3. You can put slug pellets out - be careful with them and collect up the dead slugs and snails because of birds.  The culprits might be earwigs which you can trap by hanging upside down plantpots on sticks.  Then collect the earwigs in the morning.  Have fun and I hope it works out for you.

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