
My overhand serve is going over anymore?

by  |  earlier

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WHATS WRONG??? I used to be able to spot it, but now it just kind of... plop! I think i mighnt be tossing it behind me.

and no , i havent lost strength, ive been working out.

i might have just unlearned myself??






  1. you may be trying too hard to put top spin on the ball to get it to drop down and therefore, mishitting it causing it to go into the net

  2. First off,,,,,you need to keep the ball in front of you when you toss it. Next you need to follow through with your arm once you hit it . It is always good to point where you want it to go with your left arm after you through it in the air!...

  3. wow. thats at tough question. have u talked to ur coach about it? what i do is i concentrate really hard and then just stare at the spo ti want to hit it and then i throw the ball up, imagine that spot, and i just get i t right there. so maybe try concentrating a little harder or talk to ur coach.  or maybe try turning ur body a little to that spot. different things work for different people. i hope this helps

  4. Has it been a while since you've played? It's a problem one of my captains has right now. She used to be one of our best servers but her serves have kinda just died. (They're still amazing mind you)

    After you serve it, how'd your hand? Rather what position is it in? Perhaps you're hitting it wrong. There's also the possiblity that your toss, as you said, is too far behind you. Maybe the ball's spinning too much when you toss it. It could be anything. Ask someone experienced or a coach to watch you toss, serve, and look out for your posture.

  5. keep  practicing that is what i did that happend to me

  6. You could be like.. not tossing the ball high enough.. hitting it too late..hitting it too early or tossing it behind you.. and maybe your too far back when you sereve .. unless your right at the line.. you may wanna try moving up .. also you may wanna have yoru coach watch you serve to figure out what your problem actually is before correcting anything that may make it worse

  7. Follow all the way through and just practice tossing for while to figure out if the toss is ok

  8. try overhand serving without throwing the ball up into the air- hold the ball up in the air with one hand, and then smack it with the other- open palm.

  9. Maybe, without realizing it, you actually are hitting the ball a new way now, or perhaps you're just frustrated! You should talk to your coach about it, and keep your head up! The more you get frustrated with yourself, the harder it will be for you to get it back!

    Good luck!

  10. thats a good thing its supposed to go over.

  11. its easier to show you, but ill try. when you pull your hand back, do you pull it strait back, or do you kind of go down then up. because if you go down then up, you lose power. also pointing your lefy foot to the spot helps me.

  12. make sure you're holding your hand stiff so that it's like there's no joint at your wrist. then try hitting it really quickly. also you might try to concentrate less on following through and more on hitting it straight or slightly up. because if you follow through, the ball goes down, which you don't want. you want it to go straight over the net. you only follow through when you're spiking, when you WANT the ball to go down.

    good luck!

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