
My overprotective parents help! :(?

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My parents are way too overprotective and it just makes me want to do the exact opposite of everything they say. Whenever we go clothes shopping it's always too something. (small, tight, short) They won't let me listen to any music besides disney channel and christian. (no rap or hip-hop) I can't have a boyfriend even if we go out in groups. They said if they were ever suspicious of me having one they'd switch schools for me to be away from him. I never can go to parties with my highschool friends and hardly ever go out with them. I can't even go on Youtube these days. (so much more!) I know that they're just trying to 'protect me' but it's driving me crazy that they are SO strict and have so many rules, and on top of that it's like they are always suspicous and watching me. It is driving me crazy and I don't know what to do because if I talk to them they're just going to yell at me or not even try to listen and say "No!" before I even finish. The usual... Strong Christians and that's not a bad thing but they are making it one. I just want some freedom to live my own life without fear of being taken away from my friends. Do they not remember being a teen? Was it sooo different back 30 years ago?




  1. My only advice is to obey them. I am 18 and my mom still nags me. It won't stop. Ever. But, as cliche as it sounds, I honestly believe that parents nag with good intentions. My best friend and I used to wear short skirts and tight tops all the time. Turns out they really do draw the wrong type of guys. We were out at a party one night and my best friend was raped by this guy she had just met. But, if they are bothering you that much, you should try talking to them without whining or yelling or losing your cool. Tell them that even though you aren't an adult, you are growing up. And you need for them to let you prove that you can make wise decisions. Maybe they will respect that you are being mature... Good luck!!!

  2. lol wow this is just like my aunt,

    i dont rele have any advice sorry.

    but ur not alone!  

  3. they dont make u do everything the opposite of what u do, u choose to but i understand it. just try as hard as u can not to yell at them, and talk it out. and btw we're in the same boat

  4. OMG I am not alone my mom won't let me wear my old shorts and skirts cause I'm gorwing up. what ever. and no boyfriends... i guess im not helping but just know ur not alone ... sadly.

    I seriously need friends like you guys in the same situation!

    Especially when guys ask you out...

  5. Your parents don't want you to grow up. Try telling them that they taught you good values and it's time to let you use them. Try going on Youtube WITH them so they can see what you're doing. Reassure them that you know the difference between right and wrong by pointing out bad examples (like, maybe, "Can you believe that (Whoever) is such a sleeze. Look at the way she acts") so that they can see you wouldn't do all those 'worst case scenarios' that are running through their minds. As for the clothes things, I think you need to gently point out that you're growing up. The way they're making you dress makes you look exactly like they are worried you'll be! Try getting your mom to loosen up while shopping by getting her to try on stuff too and occasionally trying something completely goofy just to lighten things up. It's ironic, but worrying about something bad often makes it come our way. And it's not that they don't remember being teens, it's that the world is a much scarier place than it was 30 years ago. They love you and they're really worried something bad will happen. In their minds, life would be easier if you stayed little, which of course, is impossible. Consider it 'growing pains' for parents. They need to realize that you're still their kid even though you will one day have a life of your own. The good person you are is a credit to their care and concern.

  6. Yes they DO remember being teens and no it wasn't so different back 30 yrs ago,except  more immorality has been accepted.

    What you will find at parties are drugs, alcohol, loose girls ,player sandd trouble.

    May sound funny to some.How about you meet some hot guy, he gets you to drink a beer,it's spiked, you  end up pregnant and everything is a blur.Watch the lives of your friends for the next 5 years and you'll be thanking your parents.

    The purpose of having a b/f is to see if he is a suitable candidate for a husband,unless you are working,have your own home,car etc. then there is no reason for you to date.Boys will STILL be available after you graduate.

    I have seen to many kids on here who have been caught sending nudie pix  on their cell phones, and on their web cams.

    They do not KNOW for a FACT that you would not succumb to that temptation.I am sure the kids who sent those pix to their b/fs said they would not do such a thing.They do not want to give you the opportunity to do something in a moment of hormonal weakness.

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