
My own family makes me feel wothless...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 20, but my family (especially my mom) always treats me like I'm 5. My whole life she's been EXTREMELY overprotective, so it is scary being on my own. But I'm trying. I have a few mental disabilities. I'm going to be starting college this tuesday. I have my license, but because I don't have a job yet, I can't really afford a car. My uncle says "She's not capable of driving anyway. She has too many problems". And I'm a good driver. My mom and family always brag about my 15 year old brother "He's gonna be a musician one day", "He's gonna do something great one day". And yet they tell me all the problems I have and why I'm not capable of doing things. I told my mom "I wanted to go to college and that's what I'm doing!" And she says "But it's just for 2 days a week." How do you handle it without blowing up? When they say stuff like this it makes me try even harder. Is anybody else like that?





  1. what im going through is also something like that ..

    all my sisters are drop outs .. im actuallystill in school

    they always tell me im gonna be just like my sisters

    that im not gonna finish school that ima fuc* up ..

    but i dont let none of that get in my way cus i know what i want ..

    and everything they say just makes me try harder .. so i can prove them wrong .. it really doesnt matter what they think cus im sure im gonna be someone .. and be on my own without having to count or depend on noone but my self ..

    i like to party and go out .. but i have a 8 month old son ..

    they always say i dont care about him that i gotta stop partying and i gotta work to take care of my son .. i do take of my son i mean im the one that does everything for him .. only cus i have a child doesnt mean i cant go out and have fun .. i mean is not the end of the world is it?

    sometimes i do get down and start crying .. cus i feel like if im alone in this world .. but crying doesnt make anything better .. what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger.

    anyways .. my point is .. you shouldnt listen to what they say .. i guess they tell you that so u can try harder .. if ur sure of what u want in life .. why should u let other people tell u otherwise ? your old enough to make ur own decisions ..

    goodluck. =]

    hope i helped.

  2. Honey, you didn't say to what extent you mental disability was.  But again, that is not the point.Your family is trying in their own way to be protective of you.  They deep down do not want to see you hurt. Keep your dreams alive and continue with your dreams  

  3. Maybe they say thing like that becuz they know it makes you try even harder?

  4. What does your doctor say?  Have you talked with him/her about how your being treated?  Ask your doctor if he thinks you are capable of going to college every day and if he thinks you are capable to drive a car under any circumstance.

    If he says you are, ask him to call your parents and tell them not to baby you so much.  That you are capable of going to college full time and drive a car.

    If he doesn't thinks you are either, then you do the best you can.  It will take you longer to graduate just going two days a week but hang in there and get the job done and get your degree.

    Good luck!    

  5. My dad says are these dumb *** things to me also making me worthless. So I totally understand what you are going through. What I do is ****-in ignore them, and try my best to live the best ever.

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