
My own style of martial arts

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i am developing my own style of martial arts, it is specificly for school kids and street situations. I've studied different styles of martial arts since i was 4, and i have realized that traditional and sport style martial arts don't work in a street situation. the techniques are derived traditional methods and altered in a way where you will not need superior strength. I have used this fighting style in tournements and i have had to use them in a street situation before the prove very effective.

so what you think would you join




  1. Ok, Bruce Lee Jr.  It sounds like you took that straight from a movie.  But no I wouldn't study your art yet. You probably don't have anything I haven't see already.  Print a book or website or something to show us.

  2. Nope

  3. become a black blet in many styles so that you can stand out with your style. If you only mastered one martial art, people will assume that your picking out moves from THAT particular style. Master more and train hard in order for that goal to come true. You must fight MORE people and win in order so you will have something to back up your art. Follow the footsteps Bruce Lee did since he's the only one who did this and was well known for it. He has been to lots of fights, lost more than won, but later on, indestructable since he trained EVERYDAY to his limits, which were sky high.

    I'm telling you this so you wont get hurt in making your martial art (not physically, you know wat Im talking about). I'm not trying to veer your career with this, but please think over with this suggestion. Dont make your art kid oriented, if kids want to join in, they have to train like the big guys who you're training, its going to hurt you in the beggining of the career. You HAVE to show that you're serious or other people who first hear about you will have second thoughts in joining. Build an image first, at the very least, known in your state or town, then go on. Dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with teaching kids to defend themselves, but dont make it kiddie either, they have to be serious, since the streets isnt a game

    Wish I can challenge you someday

  4. The lesson behind the lessons is that martial arts is more than just self defence and winning tournaments - what you learn about yourself through hardship, team spirit, and various levels of discipline

  5. Please,  im sure your style might seem effective but the last thing the martial arts community needs is another McDojo floating around stealing peoples money. But i doubt you will get that far.

  6. h**l yeah. i made my own 2. not 2 teach. its just 4 me. its not that original i just have my own stance and its based off KO style strikes: uppercuts, hooks, shovel hooks, headbutts, elbows, knees, polish hammers, groin assault. no jabs. they leave u open 4 a tackle. oh and very good sprawl. everything sets up another. a hook sets up an uppercut which sets up a headbutt and BANG u got a combo. i call it S.K.O. STREET KNOCKOUT

  7. Alright your profile says you are 16. This gives you 12 years of training, and I have to say tha at least 4 of those you probably didn't learn anything worthwhile self defense wise. I have never known a student under 8 who really even understood the concept of it.

    2nd you say that you have taken BJJ and are a Brown Belt in Judo. this gives you basicly 8 years of training. I can garuntee you that your style will not be recognized by any reputable organization. You do nto say what type of tournements, but I suspect they are not very large or draw a lot of competition. I am not trying to be mean but you barely have enough training to uderstand the absics of a style, let alone make your own.

    I realize that nothing I say will make a difference because honestly you live in a fantasy land, but remmber this. If you teach someone, and they think that they cna defend themselves on the street, and they can't, you are directly responsible for what happens to them.I have also read many of your answers and quite frankly can honestly say you have no clue.

    Pleaselet us know where you liv, so i can find an actual Sensei near there that can come over and explain the error of your ways. Basicly you will be a kid teaching other kids s*** that wont work, so go for it if you want to be responsible for people getting hurt.

    As for what you said about traditional martial arts not bein good fro  street situation, just that statement right there shows your lack of knowledge. Quite honestly you should notbe allowed to teach special olympics athletes, let alone other kids.

  8. that sounds sweet put a video on youtube

  9. I know a few soke and the one thing they all had in common was that they earned at least a third dan in one style or at least a first dan in more than one before they decided to develop their own art.  There are a lot of considerations to be made and you need to justify everything.  It takes years to develop and document everything you need to do to honestly say that you developed a new style.  Then you have to have it recognized by a sanctioning body like the Society of Soke.

    Good luck.

  10. no

    you don't say how old you are

    how long you studied

    what you studied

    whether you have formal training in how to teach


  11. no i wouldnt unless you could prove to me that you actually know what you are doing ATM oyu osund like you are still in school. you also said sport style martial arts dont work on the street so then how does entering or winning a tournament prove anything?

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