
My page in yahoo 360 have a problem,can you help me?

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my page in yahoo 360 don t accept any jpeg ,or less than 5 MB in my personality photo,can u help me?how can i share my personaliti photo?




  1. Ur picture must be in the JPEG format and it must be smaller than 5MB. U have to upload a smaller pic to ur saved pictures.

    The problem may be a glitch with ur 360, tho.

    Go bk to ur on Edit Personal Photos.

    There are 4 lines into which u can upload a photo..sometimes 1 or more of these lines doesn't work.

    Upload ur photo to a different line.

    If this doesn't work..It's just a glitch. This is due to the fact that Yahoo! Is working on a brand new profile page that will replace our 360's sometime this year. This transition is causing several different bugs on Y!360. Unfortunately they r no longer fixing the problems that come up on our pages. Here's a couple of links to the latest news from Yahoo! concerning these issues:

  2. Use a photo editor (like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Paint) to save the file in JPEG format (i.e. with .jpg, .jpe, or .jpeg extension on the end).

    Paint is on most Windows computers with Microsoft software in the Accessories programs section.

    - Open Paint, then open the image file from within Paint.

    - Go to the "File" menu, then click "Save As."

    - You can see the "File type" pull down menu in the window that pops up where you can choose for it to be a JPEG or you can try typing the extension at the end of the file name.

    - Click "Save". Say "Ok" on the quality box that may pop up.

    Then, try re-uploading the image (which should be less than 5MB) to your 360's personal profile pic module. If that still doesn't work, then there are other ways to share photos, but it will mostly be in your blog area:

    1) Click "My Blog" at the top of your 360 space, work with your blog settings, then click compose a new blog entry at the top of that area (or on your Home or My Page). Above your entry space, click the "Browse" button for the photo upload tool. Search for the image that's saved to your hard drive. It must be a JPEG formatted image (extension ending with .jpg, .jpeg, and .jpe) and under 5 MB in file size.

    * The picture will appear above your entry and doing it this way, you can only use one picture.

    NOTE: The following methods require that your image is hosted via an online hosting service like Flickr ( ) and Photobucket ( ):

    2) Check out the 360 team post on dragging & dropping photos into blogs:

    * This method allows many photos to be used in an entry, with your choice in placement. Make sure that you are using an image that's on it's own page (not on a page that is shared with others). So click on the image and get to that image's full detail page (likely the largest view of the picture, not the thumbnail).

    3) Copy and paste an absolute URL for the image (which looks or .jpg....something similar to that) into a blog entry.

    - Check the box next "View HTML source" box (on the upper right of your entry's space).

    - Type in the HTML code:

    <img src="URL of image" height="# of pixels" width="# of pixels">

    NOTE: With Flickr, just use the block of code above the pic's URL that they tell you to use...wouldn't want to violate their guidelines.

    - Uncheck the "View HTML source" box to get back to the regular blog screen.

    WARNING: Do not save your entry with out adding some text.

    - Click "Save"

    * This method allows you to use any formatted image as long as it's hosted on an online server and not only your hard drive. Check each service for their list of accepted file types before choosing one.


    Create slideshows to embed in a blog entry and then choose to highlight the entry to make it appear on the top right side of your blog (if you like). Slideshow services:,,,

    - Find the embed code for the album that you want to add.

    - Click on "My Blog" and create a new entry.

    - Type some text in the actual entry space as well, as it might not save.

    - Click the box next to "View HTML source" in the upper right of the entry space before adding code.

    - Copy the embed code and paste it into the space.

    - Click "Show Options" link at the bottom of the entry and click the highlight option.

    - Click the box next to "View HTML source" to get back to regular view if necessary. It may not show up until the entry is Previewed or Saved.

    - Click "Save" button and see if it appears.  

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