
My painter turtle just laid two eggs, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have two painter turtles and one must have just laid two eggs. When I just went to feed them I didn't notice anything, but I went back in the room about 5 minutes later, I noticed two white eggs at the bottom of the tank. So either it just laid them or I just didn't notice them at first.

One of the eggs has a small crack, so I assume it's dead. I don't see any cracks in the other one though.

What should I do?




  1. Prepare the nursery!

  2. leave them alone and wait until they hatch it should be about 36 to 38 days i think

  3. key this might sound really mean but it is EXTREMELY hard to keep newborn tutles so i suggest you take them to the creek or something and leave um there but if u choose to keep them get ready for a verry though job.....

  4. Make an omelette.

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