
My pants are super tight at 13 weeks, is that normal?!?!?

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I have only gained 2-3 pounds so far, but my pants are already so snug I had to get the Belly Belt pant extender. I'm 13 weeks with my first baby... Is that normal? I guess I'm just feeling self conscious about it because I don't look pregnant... Just bloated... When did you start to actually develop a "baby bump?"




  1. lol. Yeah. It is really normal. I really don't like the fat stage of pregnancy. For me it lasted from about 12 weeks to 18 weeks! Grr. One of the best ways I dealt with it was to get a few empire waist maternity shirts - they do wonders at making a "food baby" look more like a real baby! lol. In time you will show.

    My avatar pic is me at 20 weeks.

  2. that does seem a little early, but everyone is different. Maybe it's twins.

  3. I'm 12 weeks lol and none of my pants fit me anymore I always just leave them unbuttoned and tuck that part of my pants in so you cant really tell. I dont look that pregnant either, dont feel bad.  

  4. I had to do the samething.  I was really small when I got pregnant so I got a pooch very quickly.  You need to do what is comphy for you...dont worry what anyone else things!!!!  My bump came around 3 months or so.

  5. Yes, it's normal.

    Congrats :-))) Have a cute and healthy baby :-)))

  6. I wasn't able to fit into my regular clothes at 10 weeks so don't feel so bad. I used a rubber band thinking that I was just bloated and it would go away, boy was I wrong! *haha* I started "showing" for sure at 12 weeks. At 14 weeks people starting asking when the baby was due, so I knew for sure then it was noticeable more to just me and hubby.

    Don't feel self concious about your growing belly. You haven't gained alot of weight and this is the point in your pregnancy when you're going to notice that your pants are getting snugger!

  7. Totally normal...I think I probably had more bump than bloat at around 17 weeks?

    Congrats :)

  8. Very normal.I have to wear those baby pants now too.Im 18 weeks but ive had to wear them for some time now.I was 8 weeks and my baby pants (xs) fit great then.Size "0" doesnt fit anymore =[


  10. yes it can be because you are bloated and your body is just a justing to the new little one.

    congrats on the baby

  11. I was using the rubber band trick to keep my pants closed with my first pregnancy at 11 weeks. By 16 weeks I was getting the noticeable baby bump and really showed around 20 weeks.


  12. not until 5 months with both my children you are just bloated right now.

  13. You are probably just bloated. It will probably be around 20 weeks, but it is different for everyone.

  14. don't worry about it all baby's develop differently and you need to gain somewhere around 40-60 pounds during your pregnancy, don't hold back on eating because you are becoming self conscience  it's not healthy for the baby...

  15. Mine were super tight at 5 weeks!  I am 20 weeks now and just have a tiny little baby bump.  The belly band is great, you can leave your pants unbuttoned and wear that around them - it prolongs the maternity shopping for a few weeks.  Congrats and good luck!

  16. Yep!

  17. You are probably bloated or retaining water or both because they can go hand in hand. Drink plenty of water and eat more fiber. But also, your body is getting ready for the baby so it will get bigger.

  18. this is probaly a sign of having a girl

  19. Remember that every woman's body is different and no one develops at the same rate. Some women blow up by six months, others don't even look pregnant at eight months! It al depends on YOU.  

  20. with this baby I was wearing maternity close at 8 weeks.  with my first at 13 weeks I was pretty big too.  People actually asked when I was due by 13 weeks.

    here is my thirdteen week picture with this baby

  21. Congrats on your expected arrival!! And yes, weight gain, esp. in the first trimester is very normal, but if you have concerns, please check with your doctor. Your baby is getting bigger every day, and the little guy or gal needs some kicking room! Normal weight gain is around 34 pounds by the end of it all, but everyone is different. Again, congrats, and enjoy being pregnant, it goes by all too quickly after you feel the first kicks..(around 14-16 weeks)

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