
My papa's dying and I can't get to the hospital??

by  |  earlier

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my older brother and Granny took my Papa to the hospital last night, and my mom went over to stay with my aunt (she's in her 40's but is mentally handicapped). this morning, my dad went to work, and my mom dropped my aunt off at our house so i could watch her while she went to work. but she called me about 20 minutes ago and said that the hospital is calling all immediate family, they're losing him. i'm stuck here at the house with no way to get to the hospital where the rest of the family is. I'm 17, but can't drive. and to tell you the truth, i'm pretty hysterical right now. what do i do? should i call my youth pastor to come get us and take us, or just stay here and wait it out. i'm scared. help.




  1. If you can call your youth pastor and he can take you to the hospital then by all means do so.

    I know how hard it is on you, my father is dead and when the hospital called us to come to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital my dad was already dead.

    I know you want to be there for him, and when you are not you feel guilty for not being there.

    But some times things happen and you have no control over it.

    Your responceability right now is to take care of your aunt.

    And if possible find a way to go to the hospital, but if this is not posabol then you need to take care of your aunt.

    There is nothing anyone can say to you right now that will make you feel better.

    Only time will do this.

    Take comfert in knowing that your dad knows that you love him and if it was possible for you to be there then you would of been.

  2. The same thing happened to me when my cousin died, my parents wouldn't/couldn't take me to see her. I think they did the wrong thing because I never got to say goodbye. I think you should call someone...anyone, even a friend, who can drive to drive you and your aunt to the hospital so you can say goodbye. I'm so sorry, I'll pray for your family.  

  3. call anyone. call anyone you can. calm down, sweetie, but call anyone that you can. good luck <3333

  4. call your youth pastor. they will be able to help you. it is obviously important to you to be there with your family and your youth pastor will understand

  5. yes either him or a reliable neighbour, most of them are very understanding of such situations and willing to do you a favor

  6. Call a reliable trusting adult to get you there if you can.

    But it seems to me if you leave then your Aunt is left with no one to watch her which was a concern of your mother's or she would not have dropped her off for you to watch her in the first place.

    Not too much you can do at this point even if you were there you would be limited to contact with him if he is indeed dying.

    Call your mother and let her guide you from here.

    You have my prayers.

  7. Girl make that call. I will pray for you and the family.  God Bless

  8. do what you have to do to get there you will regret it if you dont

  9. call your youth pasture but stay will be okay hopefully......He loves your youth pasture immidiatly...this is a emergency....there is nothin wrong for skin for a ride...DO IT! i hope everything goes well...and stay calm sweetie

    good luck (:

  10. call anyone you can to drive you there quick and ill pray for you and youre dad

  11. call an adult you TRUSTto come pick you and your aunt up and take you to the hospital...good luck

  12. Yes.. call your youth pastor right away, im sure he will be there right away to help you out! this is a big deal, dont just wait it out.. get soembody you know you can trust right away to get you there..

    you need to be there for him

    I will be praying for you and your family.

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