
My paper... about hooters... help?!?

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Waitresses at hooter's are hired as "actresses" so hooters can purposely hire young, beautiful, big-breasted women and not hire male waiters, or female waitresses not fitting the "role." what do you think of this practice?...

And if you have ever worked at hooters please describe your experience.

Thank you soo much for your help




  1. get over it the feminist equality era is over. women want total equality, but only the ugly ones. Personally, i think most big-breasted women would be on welfare if not for companies like playboy and hooters

  2. God Bless the Lawyers. Hella good acting too, they are actually fat men, just so good at their craft they look like hot chicks in tight shirts serving great wings.

    (to the guy that called it racist: Race? HUH? Sexist maybe)

    oh and to the asker, do your own homework or you'll be begging Hooters for a job...

  3. that is something we Americans call racism. it does not matter what you look like or what size your b***s are. that is very stupid and racial

  4. Hooters is a themed restaurant, nothing wrong with it... Ive had the experience of eating at Hooters all around the country and I can say that I have never ever seen a female doing the cooking in one of the restaurants. But never heard anyone complaining about that practice. The males are used for the real dirty work and the woman are used to fit the mold of themed restaurant. Sounds like a great business plan that has worked..

  5. Have to agree with Spawn, same thing goes for TV and movies, are they wrong too !!

  6. Just get over it. Someone came up with a franchise that requires bigger breasted women. It is just a unique business that someone wanted with those standards. Why do you have to work there? Just be a waitress at a regular restaurant Flow.

  7. I was the janitor, great place to work.

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