
My parakeet had 5 eggs hatched one it died now today one hatched and both parents were pecking at it

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my parakeet who is a lil over 2 had 5 eggs they started to hatch 1 died and today a new o ne and the dad and mom were pecking at it we took the male out what do i do now feeding to care




  1. Were they pecking at it or were they trying to feed it? Budgies regurgitate their food into the chicks mouths. You might want to just let the parents do their thing. This video has budgerigars feeding their babies.

  2. They are just trying to help their baby.  Birds sometimes peck at the egg to help the last one still in it hatch.  Since it is the last one it  is probably weak and has trouble breaking through, and birds can sense that.

  3. First you have to make a incubatorr,you can use about a 5gal fish tank wrap a heating pad in a dish rag put it under the outside of the tank,put down white paper,then get another towel and cover it all but a small slit.Now get bird foremula it's a powder(i used Pretty Bird) mix it test it like you would a baby bottle same temp,now you have to have a syrenge thats where the drug store comes in.

                           Luck to you.

                               Debbie O

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