
My parakeet is having a hard time flying and is flying into things?

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I've had my parakeet for 1-2 years and it can fly extremely well. This month, however, he's been having trouble flying even if it's just my hand's length and he's been flying into things when he does. He's not overweight and I don't see any tumers or unusual feather loss. What's wrong with him?




  1. Have you taken him to the vet? if not, try. Maybe one of his eye vision isn't clear or can't see, so he's having a hard time landing, and/or stopping on your hand.

  2. that guy (oblyalkdnjf) or whatever, is really cheap!

    anyway all i can think of is that his wings are cliped, and im guessing you would know if you did or did not clip his wings.

    maybe he is sick or getting old...ish

    sorry i couldnt help more!

  3. You definitely need to get your bird to an Avian Vet as soon as possible. The fact that this came on suddenly shows that something is wrong.

    One possibility is that his eyesight has been affected. I have a Quaker Parrot who is almost blind, and if he tries to fly he will slam into objects or even walls because he cannot see them coming. For that reason we keep his wing feathers clipped. This keeps him on the ground and safe. Make no mistake- A bird can easily break its neck if it flies into a hard surface! I would recommend that you clip his feathers or get it done, at least until the Vet can find out what is wrong.

    Good luck.

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