
My parakeet is so anti-social and loves her cage, I have tried training her?

by  |  earlier

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I bought her about 2 years ago and taught her how to get on my finger. The only thing is that she absolutely hates getting out of her cage. Every time I (slowly) try to take her out, she jumps back on her perch. I don't know what to do, she just loves her cage and is always playing with her toys. Is this wrong? What should I do?




  1. You have to KEEP taking her out of the cage. Once you have her out, either take her into another room or cover the cage so she can't see it. Her cage is her sanctuary. She will NEVER stop running back to it as long as you let her get away with it.

  2. Take the toys and place them outside so she has to go outside to play with the toys also take some of the treats she likes let her see how fun it is to fly around the house best way to encourage outdoors

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