
My parakeet keeps chewing on his nails.?

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They are not tame enough for me to clip them myself. Is there anything else I can do to get their nails shorter because they move to much for me to clip their nails myself?




  1. Birds need various items (e.g., a rough rock) to naturally trim their beaks and nails in the wild. I'm sure your parakeet is just trying to trim his own nails so they won't be long and sharp. I'd suggest you buy a bird beak and nail conditioner rock. Most pet shops sell those kind of rocks that can be screwed onto anywhere on the cage.

    I hope this helped! =) :-)

  2. You need to give him something to scratch on to file them done like a piece of wood. However there really is no problem with him chewing on his nails. It's only natural.

  3. Use those sandpaper perch covers.  They work great.  And keep working on taming them.  They are so much fun when they are tame.

  4. They have sand paper covers for the perch so they get filed down when they stand on it.

  5. don't clip his nail then he can't grab anything so don't just leave him alone

  6. they must be kept up. a vet can trim them or a someone who works in a specialty bird shop can teach you how to handle the bird and properly train you on how to trim their nails with out hitting the quick.

    none of my birds are tame at all. i trim their claws and one needs a beak trim. let the vet train you on how to do this if you have no other resources. they don't have to be tame to keep their claws up. it's bad for the posture of the feet to allow nails to be too long.

  7. You can get concrete perches at a pet shop.  These are both comfortable for the parrot and will help keep his beak and nails in check.

    Do not get sandpaper perches!!  They do not help at all and will often give the poor bird sores on its little feet.

  8. You can go to your local pet store, and find a sand perch. These special perches file down bird's nails just like a nail file for us. There are probably small, medium, and large sand perches. My parakeet Bella has one, and it works really well :)

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