
My parakeet laid an egg ... is it fertile?

by  |  earlier

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for the past few days my parakeet had been in her nesting box a lot. Today i peeked inside and guess what?? there was an egg! i have 2 other males in there with her but the males are interested in eachother not the male and female. How do i know if the egg is fertile?




  1. Well if she hasnt mated with any other parakeets then it isnt fertile. Just like chickens birds will go through a nexting cycle and just lay an egg. It's just what happens just like females when they pms.

  2. see if you can get like a vet to look at it !RIGHT AWAY!

    if it's fertile keep it warm and take it easy with it, maybe get a incuvator.

  3. They don't lay non fertile eggs unless you put artificial sperm in them. Like chickens at chicken farms..

    So you need to prepare for some babies! :)

  4. it should be fertile, or from what I have been told all my life. I have always been told that a bird will not lay an egg unless it is fertile...

  5. you could carefully take it out and candle it.'

       my cockateil lays eggs all the time, but she doesn't have a  boyfriend, so hers aren't fertile.

    here are a couple of sites that sow you how to candle to see if it is fertile


  6. see if it hatches!

  7. all female birds lay eggs, my friends bird used to do it all the time. if it's fertile the bird will have mothering instincts and you'll notice her taking care of the egg, if it's not it may just chill in the cage. i think you should let nature take it's path and just watch a little.

  8. It could be infertile, which would be normal since birds do not need to have mated to lay eggs (ie. chickens). It could also be fertile, but this is less likely if she is the only bird involved in incubating it. If you want to wait and see, leave it alone. If it does not hatch in about 3 weeks, it is not fertile. She also may stop incubating it before that time, at which time you can also assume it is not fertile and you can remove it. Do not attempt to remove it before you are sure it will not hatch (as in the above examples) or you will risk her abandoning it. It is also normal for female birds to lay entire clutches of infertile eggs. My cockatiel used to do it all the time, and she was alone in her cage. Good luck!

  9. wait a couple days and take the egg out and shine a flashlight through it if their is little veins and stuff its fertile. dont worry handling the egg wont make the mom forget about it.its just a silly rumour

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