
My parakeets are very noisy, day and night any suggestions as to why?

by  |  earlier

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they have new babies but they squaw all day and nit, they fly about the aviary as though they are sometime try to attack or break out...what can I do...




  1. I am new at this but I understand that parakeets require at least 10 - 12 hours of sleep at night and need to be covered to quiet them down. It works with my two.  Also, they need lots of stimulation so a variety of toys in their cage is necessary and when you clean the cage, put the toys, ropes, whatever, in a different location.  That will stimulate the birds to search for their favorite.  Good luck

  2. so if its at nght put a blanket over their cage so theyll no its drark and go to bed thats wut my grandma did and it worked♥

  3. try a blanket over the cage at night, I do that and they sleep

  4. Do you have any toys in the cage? that might help, plus they are babies so they are going to making more noise.

    try covering the cage with a blanket at night time, that usually quiets them down. hope this helps =]

  5. You need to make the cage as entertaining as possible and cover the cage at night.  Parakeets are also very noisy to begin with.

  6. i guess u have screamers spend a bit more time with them.they might be starving for attention.

  7. The reason that your parakeets are squaking all the time is like us with humans.  They like to talk.  Putting toys in the cage might help to keep them entertained for a while, but all in all, they will squak.

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