
My paranoia is ruining my relationship

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When my girlfriend goes out somewhere with family or her friends i'm fine with that,everyone knows she would NEVER cheat but in my mind I make myself believe that she is actually out with another guy..HOW CAN I STOP THIS??




  1. So look heres what it boils down to is trust...if you trust your girl and you already know that she wont do anything to hurt you then let all of your negative thought go and just keep it simple. Dont complicated your relationship with your own insercurities. If the thoughts are too much to bear then have a sit down with your girl and tell her in a non-confrontational way about what it is that your dealing with and keep an open line of communication with her. Keep it in your mind that your girl will NEVER do anything to hurt your feelings and that will be all that is needed to let go of all of the negative imagery of her with another guy and if all else fails...follow her one day to put your mind at ease and then you'll realize how easy your mind plays tricks on you..or she might be a w***e and your instinct is trying to tell you.

  2. Sounds like a trust issue, I would know, been there done that.  How long have you dated her?  

  3. hahaha... you're a Gemini. Figures.

    That helps. You think the worst of everything. Nothing can just be simple. You say you are fine with her going out, that *everyone* knows she would never cheat. Do you know that? You didn't really say that...

    If you were not a Gemini, I would say that you are guilty. Those who cannot be trusted cannot trust. Simply put.

    You need to try and relax. Tell yourself that even though you are imagining the worst, that is not the case. Whatever you do, you need to NOT take it out on her. From my experience of living with a Gemini, CALM DOWN! If you freak out, or give her a hard time, she will eventually have no choice but to leave.  

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