
My paranormal fear?

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Ok I'm effin 13 years old but I always see faces around my house when I'm alone or going to bed

but never when I'm with somebody I can never be alone but I'm alone right now at my house!

It makes me scared and now I can't look at my closet

WHat should I do?




  1. watch the movie "THE SIXTH SENSE". u will get ur answer from there of why u see those things.

  2. What should you do? Look in your closet. Seriously. Open it up, look inside, explore every corner. Perhaps you might even want to clean it up and sort it out in the process. When you're done, I guarantee you won't be afraid of it anymore. I think what you're doing here is that you're psyching yourself out. It's easy to do and a lot of people do it. The very best advice I can give you is that when you're feeling uneasy, then that's when you should be bold and confront whatever you think it is. It will go away. I really hope you ignore the silly suggestions that it's ghost related or paranormal related. These answers are not only wrong, but also contributing to your anxiety and not helping it.

  3. My guess is that this is caused by puberty. This is a pretty common thing in teenage girls. Your mind is growing larger and as a result a lot of the brains natural functions are messed up due to various chemical imbalences so you are experiencing a form of paranoia expressing an inner fear of not having anyone near to protect you. As for what you should do about, I guess just tell yourself they aren't real

  4. It's perfectly normal for a young person to fear the unknown.  Physically speaking, the unknown is a potential threat.  However, fear dissapates with knowledge and understanding of the world around you.  I know it might be terrifying, but look in the closet.  Only then will you know nothing is in there to threaten you.

  5. For one I would suggest don't caught up in paranormal nonsense.  It's all fun to read about but there is absolutely no verifiable peer reviewed evidence of anything paranormal.  It's all in our minds and so called ghosts and what not can easily be produced by optical illusions, fear itself can have you seeing things that are simply not there, the list goes on.

    You're thirteen and you have alot of growing up to do.  My advice would be not to get caught up with all the nonsense and supserstition.  I use to believe I saw things to but in reality it was my fear tricking me into seeing things that were simply not there.  It sucked for a long time but I grew up and it all went away.

    Fear of the unknown plays a huge part in things like this, it is natural and nothing to be embarassed about.  There are no faces around you, trust me, your mind is being tricked by various stimuli.

    The reason why it never happens when you're with somebody is simply that you feel secure with someone else around.  If you start seeing them with people around you really need to talk to someone about it, don't let it rule you.  You can beat it, good luck.

  6. When I was young..I didn't see any ghosts etc...but I was always afraid to look into my closet or go into it. I'd run in and out real fast. lol  You need to tell your parents how scared you are. I never told mine and now I wish I had.

  7. dont worry. it means they trust you enough to show their faces. if they trust you that much...they are nice.

  8. Keri, do not be scared.

    These faces just mean that they trust you enough to show themselves to you.

    Try and embrace your ability.

  9. First I would look into the history of your house, if possible.  Ask your parents if they know anything about it. If not ask around the neighborhood.  Or go to the library.  Some one there might be able to help you look some things up in the local history section.  There is no sense in being afraid until you know if there is anything to be afraid of.  Kids your age these days are the bravest I have ever seen.  Cowboy (or girl)up and take matters into your hands.  The more you know about the place the better chance you have to figure it out.  

    On the off chance that there is a haunting of some kind in your home, just ask politely for them to leave you alone.  Done with respect, they will not bother you anymore.

  10. shoot if I was you next time I saw that I'd yell out who are you lets hang out!?

    just to see what would happen...You should If it wanted to hurt you it would of already done it face it...

  11. OK Keri,  what it seems to be is that you mat have some ability to actually contact the spirits that have passed over to the other side.

    Everyone has a Guardian Angel, which is what you may be seeing, and as the 'faces' have not done anything to hurt you, I cannot see a real problem.

    However, it may well be worth going to a spiritualist church, and explain what is happening to one of the senior members, who will, hopefully, be able to advise you further.

    Mike t.

  12. if they scare you, just tell them to leave and go towards the light, seriously.

  13. try do do research or even what Physic Kids [on A&E, Mondays 10/9c] because there could be two reasons for this

    a) your imagination or

    b) you really can see things that others can see

    [if you are really seeing something stay calm]

  14. I used to too, I still kind of do. It started when I was 13 and now I am 15. I think I was just paranoid and I think you are too. You just have to relax and try to pretend nothing is there. I know it's not easy, I know exactly how you feel. Tell you parents if it's really that bad. I told mine and they helped me out of it. They kept me company and tried not leave me home alone. They even took me to a therapist who I am still seeing and now I realize it's nothing but my imagination. Also tell friends so you can vent about it. Also try to find something to distract you from it, I know it will not be easy, but you have to try. If I hadn't I think I'd be going crazy right now!

  15. You're starting to develop your psychic talents, just like other teens like us are. You can't fear the faces, you have to embrace them. They're trying to tell you something, and if you don't understand, then you'll continue to live in fear of them. Try to connect with them one day, ask them what they want (in a polite way, of course).

  16. That is completely normal. I was always afraid of the dark. What I found that helped was educating myself on the paranormal. This way I can look at an experience for what it truly is without the fear factor. Most things are normal occurrences and now I understand why they happen instead of jumping to conclusions. I have only had one true paranormal experience. Good Luck.

  17. Don't worry sweetheart,if it is ghosts you are seeing then they will not hurt you,they don't want to frighten you and they probably don't realize how scared you are,tell them...I know it sounds silly but if you tell them how scared you are it may stop.It could be that you just have the ability to see spirits,like meduims etc,if you can then you are very lucky because that is such a special gift.

  18. You should confront your fears. Otherwise they'll always haunt you. You don't want that.
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