
My parent grounded me from drinking water? HELP?

by  |  earlier

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ok me ans my got in a fight yesterday and they grounded me from drinking water. i didn't take a sip of water ir anything liquid for 2 days plz hellp what can i doo????? and i'm feelin dizzy HEEEELPP!!!




  1. this is abuse tell them that you are going to cal the cops and they will be put in jail for child abuse and tell them how you feel ,if i was you i would go to the restroom and act like i was pieing and get drinks from the sink

  2. How about drinking juice, or coffee, or soda, or beer, or wine coolers, or wine, or .......etc.

  3. That is ABUSE! Maybe they did not intend for it to be that way, but it boils down to that. Why water? You need to find something with a high water content and eat it. Or do what another person said and sneak some. Dehydration is serious. Food and water are basic survival needs, and should never be withheld. Junk food, pop, etc, that is different. Can you safely talk to them about the fact that you are not feeling well? If so do it now!

  4. Drink powerade or eat fruits like watermelon or melons in general.

    Eat more juicy things than dry things until you arent grounded anymore.

  5. Why the h**l would they not let you drink water? when someone is being punished they usually have something tooken away like tv, outside or computer. What the h**l is wrong with you family, you need to call the police on them because this is abuse.

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