
My parental rights have not been terminated..Why haven't my 2& /2 yr old son been returned to me? Florida case

by  |  earlier

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This was a private adoption case that took place last summer 2007. I was going through "h**l" and this private adoption agency took advantage of the situation and when I tried to cancel all the consent documents they told me I had to do this in person....knowing full well that I was more than 3 hrs away...on the last day to cancel. I later reluctantly handed my son over the next day, but I began one week later for his return through the courts....It has bee 11 long months and I do not understand.....I have always been an excellent parent and I have a 10yr old daughter that is a straight A student and I am very active in my children's lives.....Any assistance that one can provide will be greatly appreciated....




  1. Hi,

    I am not sure what you mean by going through "h**l", but if your parental rights were not terminated and you tried to cancel the consent documents and were denied, sounds like you were coerced.  Has the other parent consented?

    I am not sure what else was going on, or why you even had your child going through a private adoption, but either way, sounds like your attorneys are not helping you, but there are a lot of missing details in your description.

    Birth parents do have rights to their children and if you were coerced and your child taken from you and attorneys won't help, I like the idea of calling the media.  It has a way of speeding things up.

    Best of luck

  2. You need a lawyer. Don't just wait for something to happen.

  3. The agency working on behalf of the Pap's want to draw it out long enough to make a case for themselves.

    Call every news station and tell them what is happening. They love controversy and will probably make story of it.  Make a flyer about your story asking for help and support and put your picture with your children on it and paste it in every public place where your child is being held "hostage".

    Call around and get recomendations for a good attorney that actual cares about childrens rights from other law firms. Don't just walk in blindly to any attorneys office. Many just care about where the biggest payoff is coming from. Call organisations in your area as well.  

    After you do get your child back, sue the agency and the Pap's for your attorney's fee's and missed time at work. Don't let anyone tell you its not possible because it is. This needs to stop happening to people in your situation.  

    I wish you and "your" child the best of luck and a quick reunion.

  4. First off stop switching attorneys. Thats most likely working against you. It's better to build up a rapport with one good one then go through half a dozen mediocre ones.

    Work on building yourself an immpeccable support system and making yourself look like parent of the year.  Join parenting classes, never hurts to learn more, and it looks good too.

    I know that the last thing you need right now is to be picked on, so please understand that I'm asking this not to judge you but to try and understand your situation a lil better... but why after expressing an interest at parenting your child did you "reluctantly hand him over the next day" ??

    Agencys have a horrible reputation for coercing and doing anything and everything they can in an attempt to get a mother to sign away her rights.

    Don't waste any time in doing everything possible for the return of your son. Be persistant. I wish you all the best

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