
My parents Wedding anniversary? help!!?

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Hi im 17. My parents 20th wedding anniversary is coming up in one month. Times have been tough at home financially and everything, and my parents deserve something really special.

I;m on a budget and my mom says she would love for something sentimental to happen this year. like us kids showing my parents how much we love them and what they've done for us, ect.

I have no idea what to do, but it has to be perfect!!!

So, please if you have any ideas let me know! thanks. (also ideas for my dad to give my mom)





  1. i think going out for dinner is a  very romantic and nice thing to do on a wedding anniversery... well atleast thts what MY parents do... lol


    and happy aniverserry to ur parents =)

  2. Something we did for my parents was to contact their brothers and sisters and friends, tell them you are putting together a memory/scrap book as an anniversary present and ask them for stories, photos etc about your parents.  


    well, i made a slideshow/video for my parents, starting with pictures from wen they dated to wen now *20yrs later with kids and family and everyone. music was playing in the background too!

    someting else u can do is make them dinner... even if u do it everyday, its nice to make something extra special. or make a cake!

    u dont have to spend alot of money to make it special, its really the actual thought of what u do that counts.

    ur dad could give ur mom flowers or something with a bottle of chanel or another perfume that ur mom might like. or even jewlery. earings are always lovely.


  4. Can you round up some old pictures of their wedding and early years? You could make up a customized calendar for them (check out Kodak, Wal-Mart, or Walgreens) and include important family dates such as birthdays and anniversaries.

    It doesn't cost a lot of money to make the calendar, and the personal effort you put into the design should wow your parents.

    I'm not sure about your dad; maybe he could get her one of those giant candy rings, with a future promise to replace it with the real thing?

  5. how about all the kids make dinner for your parents, do the whole candle lit thing, its cheaper than going out and it shows how much you all care and appreciate them and what they do, your dad could get your mum a bracelet or necklace without spending to much or if you can go on line to find out what anniversary gift it is ( I think it might be paper) so he could get her something along those lines

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