
My parents abandoned me and I live with my aunt and uncle now... Is this a normal feeling for me? Im 14?

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I see all my friends and other family members talking about their moms and dads and its like I dont have that. I cant go to sleep and say good night and hug my mom or dad. I cant wake up and hug my mom or dad before I go to skool. I cant even talk to my mom or dad. I mean I cant say I love... I cant do anything involving my mom or dad. Dads arent supposed to leave but its sadly more common. Moms arent supposed to leave either. But when both of your parents just leave.? I dont remember my dad really at all. But its been about ten years. And I am pretty sure that I will never be able to get back all those days that he has been gone. And my mom... I dont really remember her at all. I dont remember what she looks like or talks like. Nothing. I want to be able to call someone mom and call someone dad. I want to hug my mom and dad goodnight and hug them before I go to skool. I want to just be able to walk up to them and say I love you. I want to be able to just do normal everyday things and




  1. i don't know what to say

  2. i'm sorry that your mother and father is not in your life. its normal for a child with no parents to go through something like that.

    i pray that from what you're experiencing, that if you have kids that you don't to do the same. hopefully you show them the love you didn't get from your parents.

  3. if you have been living with your aunt and uncle since they abandoned you i'm sure they would like it if you said "i love you" to them.

    while they are not your biological parents, they are taking care of you in numerous ways that parents do.  Yes it sucks that your parents left you and did this to you but it isn't your fault, it isn't because of you.

    I'm sure your aunt is more than willing to give you a big hug whenever you need it, morning, noon, night.  

    Talk to your aunt how you feel, I'm sure she'd give you a hug

  4. I wish I could give you a big hug right now. You sound like you could use one.

    I know what it's like not having parents to hug and love and laugh with. It's hard. For me, it's hardest when I see a little girl and her dad and it's so obvious that they love each other in this huge way.

    When you're in this kind of situation, your feelings are totally normal.

    What saved me was an adult couple I befriended. When I'm with them, hugs and "I love you" happen all day. It's amazing. Maybe you can find someone to help you fill those gaps.

    I'm really sorry you're dealing with this.

    Here: Big Cyber hug

  5. im so sorry hun... im pretty sure u have a right to feel like that. that is horrible. they dont want nething to do with u? at all? wow

  6. wow i am so sorry, but i sounds like that your aunt and uncle are your parents now. you would have been 4, do you not have a close relationship with them. you are at the age where of course you are going to ? why they did this to you and you may need to go see a therapist or school counselor to talk every few weeks to get things off your mind. or maybe you can talk to your aunt.

    Do you not hug  or tell your aunt or uncle you love them, are they hurting you?

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