
My parents and I fight a lot. My dad's always cussing and screaming at me. I want to run away.

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Where should I go to (I live in Texas), what should I bring, and how do I make money? (Street performer???)




  1. I'm sure your situation appears bad to you, but listen to "Cinderella".  Running away is not the answer.  It will just make your life harder and ADD more problems.  If you're in school find a teacher or counselor who will talk to you confidentially.  If the advice seems helpful, take it.  Good luck.  

  2. Well...Dont go off and live bad!!! First off...Talk to your parents!! :] You didnt mention your age soo many make flyers and post them around your city saying babysitter..or pet watcher or somehting...NOT A STREET PERFORMER...that just leads to a bad life!! maybe sell some of your stuff that u never use to make money for just a start.. maybe aplie for a job!! That always workkss!! And try not to run away just stay at a friends house or close famil member!! Or just try to stay out of the house as much as you cann! :]]

  3. dont look this up online but if you can talk to jehovahs witnesses about this um ... i know they can help ...please listen to them... they have books that help wit family life i saw one of the books they are amazing for every1 and they will helpp u to read ur BIBLE i really mean it.... i swear itll help u and dont run away thatll make ur parents' fighting like a good time

  4. Seriously running away may cause the problem to be even worse than what your going through now!!! Trust me it takes alot to run will need good amout of money to live on your own in a house of your will need a car, money, a well paying job to not cause you any money problems...just try the best you can to work things out...solve your problems and try staying calm...

  5. dont run away jen. your family is the only source of safety. they may fight but thats what most parents do. dont run away and put that worry and upset on your parents talk to them tell them how your feeling that you'd wish they tried to get along better.. in reality life isnt always peace full you just have to be strong and fight the bad times.  

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