
My parents are always fighting and the house is a constant warzone?

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My parents always fight over everything,from who will take me to the

Dvd club to who will pay the bill.both of them tell me about all the others faults and also say some pretty harsh stuff. And i'm always in the middle of it. Truth is I'm tired,very much as it hurts me saying this,when my mum is away everything is so much calmer. I heard my mum discuss moving out. I don't know what to do and I know that it's all my fault. Will they get divorced?help,what should I do?




  1. First of all, it's not your fault. I'm a mother of 3 boys and on my third (and final) marriage. The best key is communication and more communication. You need to take some time to sit down and talk to your mom (without your dad).  Then do the same with your dad. Do this without fighting, this is a talk time not fight time. Before you finish talking let them each know that it's now time for the three of you to talk without fighting. This will be the time to let things "out in the open"   WITHOUT FIGHTING. Each month do a "family meeting" (I have done this and it works). What it is is each month (preferably the beginning of the month and keep notes) the family sits all together and talk things out. The positive as well as the negative and try to come up with solutions together. Try this and hopefully it'll work. You have to let them know how you feel about everything. - Ravin

  2. OH Please don't think it is your fault. It is not. They would be in conflict even if you weren't there. You need to focus on  your life as best you can. If you are in school, find a calm place to study .  Remember all this when you are considering marriage. You cannot change your parents or solve this problem but you can filter it through to your own life and remember it so you don't make the same mistake they did.

  3. I know how this feels, it's very hard.

    I would suggest talking to one of your parents and tell them how their constant fighting is affecting you emotionally/mentally, at least, that's what I did.

    Remember to have lots of courage when telling one of them this, I was scared when I told my Mother.

    Sorry for the short answer.

    ~A =)

  4. Hard to tell, lets hope for the best!

  5. Make a list of both their faults and leave them for  both to see.At the end tell them neither of them have enough self honesty to be adult enough to own up to their faults and instead of changing,they seek to justify themselves instead and destroy their marriage and your home life.

    Then suggest they seek counseling and leave you out of their rants about one another,that you aren't interested in hearing them anymore.

  6. Just don't pay attention to it. And whenever they do it around you, just say shutup and "can you do this in another room" or something like that. Once they see how much their screaming and yelling are effecting you, they'll tone it down or stop completely.  

  7. I can tell you right now it's not YOUR fault at all.

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