
My parents are divorced? how can my dad get custody of me?

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My mom and dad have joint custody. I currently live with my mom and i want to live with my dad. how could i get this changed?




  1. It is up to the courts to decide who is the better parent.  Usually when you are young like you are you want to live with the parent who is cool and lets you do as you like sometimes that isn't a good thing.

  2. Not being mean, but I honestly don't think you have a way to get this changed.

    The only thing I can think of is to try to talk your parents in to it, but i dont know if that's possible, and if it is how effective it would be.

  3. search child custody forms for your state. you will have to have you dad help you fill them out. CHANGE OF PRIMARY RESIDENCE, nothing else changes. keep it simple, if any thing in child support needs to be adjusted, let the courts do it, this will make it fast & easy. if mom is ok with it then she signs it & it is made law. if she is not ok, then you would have to submit a letter & go to court to plead you case. good luck.

  4. I'm 16 as well, and I just barely moved in with my dad. Just talk to your parents. Seriously, if they have joint custody then you should be able to move in with your dad no problem. Talk to your mom and then your dad and work things out. If your mom doesnt like it you can still press the issue until you get with your dad. If (by some extreme measures) it turns into a court case the judge will listen to you the most. He (or she) will want your opinion and where you want to be, so you can basically get in with your dad if you really wanted to.

  5. your dad would have to go to court and petition them to get custody of you. and since your 16 you also would be able to go in front of the judge to tell them why you want to be with your dad.

  6. Dance.

  7. you are old enough to pick where you want to live

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