
My parents are fighting?!?

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okay my parents had this fight, well not a fight like wel its about a house we live in an apartment and we need a house , and my mom is getting mad at my dad, but my dad cant do anything he works all day, and we do look at houses, plus it has to do with this money situation between my mom and her in- law. this has happened before but it went away, but i dont think this one will cuz, today my dad gave a ring and he hasnt done that ( my dad is a jewler) but i feel like they r gnna get a divorce and he wants me to remeebr him with this ring please help me! i hope this will go away like last time.

please i dont want my parents moving apart im only 12 and my brother is 8





  1. Hmph.  sorry a stifled giggle.  (the ring thing just reminiscent of Lord of the rings)  

    Um... let your parents worry about it honey you are a bit young yet.  

  2. i've been in that situation a few times, my parents are still together but sometimes i wish they weren't.. i know it's scary but if they fight a lot you'll all be off a lot better if they were apart. just try and trust that things will work out for the best eventually, and that your parents make the right choice. i'm sorry, good luck!

  3. you can't do anything, sorry.

  4. you just sometimes have to face some facts about adults. they will do anything to keep a family in tact. but sometimes when there are issues that cannot be resolved and the only way is for a divorce you have to take that as a fact of life. Its hard to understand now but you will soon do.  

  5. Hard times with money(a very common problem today) puts a strain on most marriages. They don't realize that divorce makes money problems worse. (rent and bills on 2 houses is way more expensive than one) Years later they will regret it. Divorce doesn't fix anything. It usually breaks up much more than the family. There is nothing you can do to stop it, except give them time to work it out. Try not to stress either of them out. Being mad about the kids can start fights, that will always get back to money. Dig out family photo's of happy times, draw pictures of a happy family. I hope they don't break up too, I will pray for them. Maybe you can pray too. Good luck.

  6. try to smooth things over if she gets mad at your dad while hes at work and look at affordable houses on the internet myabe ask them to sit down and have a talk with you thier to make sure it doesnt turn bad

  7. I'm sorry sweetie.  You know, unfortunately the only thing you can do is let it not get to you.  Remember that things happen for a reason and even though we don't usually understand the reason.  Adults fight a lot, it's just natural.  Hopefully, they can make it work out and if not, just know that everything will be okay someday.  I know it isn't what you want to hear, but it's the truth.  Just do your best to understand that it's not your fault, that adults fight (all the time!!), and that everything happens for a reason.  Everything will eventually work out to be just fine.

  8. I've been married for 17yrs since I was 19. I can tell you couples fight and sometimes they don't make up. To much fighting causes scars that don't go away. It has nothing to do with you or your brother if they split up. More than likely issues are even deeper than the house if they're calling it quits.

    What can you do:

    Talk to them let them know how your feeling, maybe they can put your mind at ease.

    Encourage a fun family day with to remind them both about togetherness.

  9. suck it up if there is no violence going on stop being a baby.  Divorce isn't a big deal at all think of it as having two houses :D. Its not like your parents are dying.

  10. don't worry

    talk to your mom about this and tell her how you feel

    or someone else

    i hope this fight will go away like the others

    just hang in there

  11. ah...kind of like my situation as of now...i'm 14 and my brother is 9...and well..the way things are going my parents are going to get a divorce very soon...but..thats because they don't love each other...if your dad and mom fight, but still have feelings for each other you're okay. At least your dad isnt abusive. That's horrible.  

  12. Oh dear, when parents fight and you are young all you want to do is cover your head with a pillow or hide under the bead.  It just sounds so awful and they don't even realize how it effects you and your brother.  Their problems are big people stuff and there is nothing you can do but say your prayers and try to stay positive.  Hopefully, they won't burden you with their stories and if they do just believe a 4th of it.  All this can do is give you insight as part of your growing up and you will get through it.  Just be good to yourself and true to yourself and don't despair.

  13. i suggest you not care too much because you're still young. i'm going through the exact situation. except i'm 13 and my sister is 7. i guess you'll just have to deal with it.  

  14. it will all work out. you need to remember that your parents are allowed to get in arguments because everyone does. its just like you prolly get in fights with your little brother but you guys always make up right. your parents will do the same

  15. Why don't you try speaking to both of them and letting them know how you feel? Maybe you can do this with your brother present as well. I hope everything turns out ok.

  16. dont worry every relationships have its ups and downs it will hopefully turn out for the best

         the best of luck

  17. Listen calm down!!! It just seems like a simple fight over stressful issues, just talk to your mom and tell him that your dad is trying his best to do what he can do, it will pass, TRUST ME!! But one thing you got to remember is that you are still young, you need to try not to stress yourself out with these issues, let them work it out and try to give both of them emotional support!! :)

  18. some people like me and others have it wayyyy worse then you kiddo. i have never seen my mom. also i never see my dad since hes always working. i live in a crappy house with barely no food. so even if your parents are divorced you can still see them its not a big deal you just gotta accept life! life isnt always perfect and you wuld soon realize that  but what you can do is go up to your parents and tell them you love them so much and dont want them to fight then they might re consider it and stay together good luck  

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