
My parents are forcing me to go to college what should i do?

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I already did one year of college (HATED it) school is just not for me. (right now anyways) i am struggling to pay bills, and my parents cant affrod to help me with them, but yet they want me to devote all of my time to classes at college. how am i suppose to work full time to support myself? they are not understanding where im coming from and are threatening to kick me out of the house and literally not talk to me if i dont go to college in the fall. im so annoyed and dont know what to do about this




  1. Go to college.  Time will pass whether you are looking  to your future or not.  Do you have other plans to build your future?  If you don't actually have a better idea than go to school.  Another college might be a better match.

    BTW, if you are still living at home, your parent are helping you financially.

  2. If you do not want to go to college, move out of your parents house.  If you are having problems with money now, just wait until you are out on your own.

    If you don't want to move out of your parents house, then you'd better go to college in the fall.

  3. You wouldn't be struggling to pay your bills or worried about your parents kicking you out if you had a college degree.

  4. Move out, get a full time job, support yourself, your parents no longer have any say in what you do, problem solved.

  5. Grow up. Get a job, try to get a place to live. Do what you like to do, what is interesting for you. Don't let other people to push you around. It's your life. If they kick you, they kick you. You are not a baby.

  6. What bills do you have if you live at home?

    So, you can't even afford to live at home on the job you can get WITHOUT a college degree...and yet you don't think you need one. Try some joined up thinking here. There's a REASON you can't get a decent paying job.

  7. the longer you put off college the more difficult it gets to go back. I think your parents have the right idea, and because you did one year maybe you didn't do what you like thats why you don't like it. I know it can be hard to concentrate one something when it doesn't interest you ( ive been in that situation) but if you find a subject that interests you then you should take that up. Also if you are having difficulty paying your bills now and your living with your parents picture what it will be like when you are living on your own with a job that does not pay well ( and there are VERY FEWWW jobs that pay well without a college degree) I think your parents have the best interest in mind for you and perhaps you should take into consideration what they are saying.  

  8. their house, their rules!!!!

    quit your job and devote your time to school.  or move out.

  9. Live your life the way you feel you should. If that means holding off on college until you can afford it, then by all means wait until you can manage college, a full time job and pay your bills. Good luck to you.  

  10. Move out..that's your only option.  How can you be struggling to pay bills if you live at home??

  11. Wow I wish I can live at home, but how can you be struggling to pay bills?

    Since you live under your parents roof, you need to go to college. Maybe go part-time and work part-time to pay your bills. If you don't like that, then move out BUT where are you going to go???

    My son thought that by moving out of our house and moving in with a roommate in an apartment would be best for him!!! He was wrong and now is struggling with paying for rent, food, gas, etc. He had it made by staying with us and getting that education.

    You will get more money when you receive that degree so it is best to go to college or enroll ITT, American Career College, etc.

    Go to school!!!!!! It may seem like a lot of work but at the end it will pay off and your parents want you to succeed in life.  We do the same to our 4 kids. They know that when they finish high school, they MUST go to college or go to a trade school

  12. Do a good dead for your parents and go to college in the Fall not just for them but for your own good. (Think about it!) many students work part-time even full-time and make a way to attend school.  Strive towards a career that interest you so that you won't hate college so much.  And on the long run you'll still have a roof over your head in your parents home.  Some students wish they still had the opportunity to live at home. So, GO TO COLLEGE!!

  13. they are just trying to do what's best for you in the long run. sit down and tell them that you don't want to go to college anymore. list some things you're going to do if you don't go to college (i doubt there is anything out there that you can live comfortably on, and be successful without a college education) like............... work at mcdonalds, flipping burger for minimum wage for the rest of your life all because you didn't go to college like your parents wanted you to, having to go home to your parents everyday because you still live with them at age 40. or having to become a prostitute on the streets because you aren't satisfied with the money your making at the mcdonalds. yeah!!! you got to think about the future and why your parents are trying to make you go to college! how bout them apples???

  14. Talk to your folks about your bills. Explain that since they can't help you out, you need your job. Talk to your employer about flexing your hours around a school schedule. If you work during the day and they aren't willing to flex, try night classes. Give college another chance. A college education looks good to employers. Balancing work and classes can be overwhelming at first, but hang in there.

  15. Spend less time whining and more timing studying - you live with your parents.  geez

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