
My parents are getting divorced, and I'm scared.?

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I'm 16 and I have an 11 year old sister. My dad makes a lot of money, but is too cheap to give my mother any who makes less than him. My mom is the best mother in the world, and spends NONE of her money on herself, only on my sister and me and food. He plays in a band on the side (although he has a high-end job) with really gross people who are bad news and this could jepordize his job. My mom no longer trusts him and neither do I bc he has a passive-agressive attitude and basically only cares for himself. I love my dad so much, but this has gotten to be terrible. My mom got cancer last summer and finished her treatment in January, he was not supportive. Anyway, he left on Monday night and went to stay with his sister who is (I'm not kidding) absolutely crazy and she's a (I HATE to say this) w***e and does illegal things. My mom got a restraining order against him until next week and today he came to get his things with the police. He ook his clothes and selfishly took his motorcycle not even thinking of giving his kids any money even when he left a few nights ago. Now they are on the verge of divorce, and next week they will be in court trying to figure out what they are doing.

I knew this was coming, I just never thought it would. I'm so scared and I cry every day 100 times a day. Please help me, and give me any advice you have whether it's from experience or if you just care. Thank you so much! <3




  1. People have many ways of dealing with things, and maybe that is your dads way. But just remeber, our dad left his house, he only took clothes and a few items right? So i am guessing he left your mum and his girls the home, furniture and comfort items. There are always two sides to a story, it sounds to me you need to stop worrying about how much money your dad will give your mum for you girls, you are sixteen go get a job to buy your own clothes, and stuff.Your dad probably does love you but he works too, just as your mum does, why should he walk out with only clothes and valeless item, its their poroblem, they both need your love

  2. Of course your are scared. You really need someone to talk to. A professional adult. Is there a counselor at your school? Can your school refer you to someone? You have had so much to deal with: your mom&#039;s illness, your dad&#039;s situation. You need to take care of YOU and your sister right now and you both need counseling from a professional. Adults can sometimes be very, very selfish, not considering how hurtful their actions are to their children. Please find a professional to help you through this.

  3. oh my gosh you poor thing! I am so srry. I advice to just head your head high and be there for you, your sister and mom. Like what sum1 else said...your dad will not leave you hungry. Just hang in there. I&#039;m sorry I can&#039;t help you out a whole lot cuz I don&#039;t have divorced parents.

  4. Hey my parents are constantly fighting about everything at the mo and m scared for my younger sister and what will happen because we might end up with nothing and I&#039;m scared that he will bash her but it sounds like its worse for you hope everything works out for you

  5. that guys one ****** up dude if he doesn&#039;t give money to the his wife who has cancer just forget about him

  6. You poor thing, you have been through a lot in the pass year and unfortunately its not over yet.  I&#039;m glad to hear that Mom finished her treatment.  She is obviously a fighter and she will get through this mess with her girls by her side.   I know that its hard but let your parents do what they need to do.  There will be some turmoil for a while but things will work out. Dry your tears and start to think about the new school year and how you can apply yourself, that will be the biggest gift you can give your Mom right now.  Good bless X  

  7. The court will help sort things out and you guys will be OK.  He will not leave you guys hungry... he is still your Dad, so communicate with him.  Unfortunately you will have to grow up a little faster than you should have to, but you will do great.   Let him know that you love him and that you wish things could be different, but you need to stay with your Mom for different times in a girl&#039;s life she will need her Mom and other times she will need her Dad.  Do not let your Mom get you involved with the finances...that is her responsibility not the kids...the court will give her part of his salary, and she needs to get a job to pay her way..  Good Luck to you all...

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