
My parents are going to tickle me NON STOP for 5 mins straight! OMG help?

by  |  earlier

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I jus found out that I am gonna get tickled WAY beyond my limits by about 10 people including my parents. THis is becoz me and my friends tickled someone else like this but I CANT take that long omg no way. wot should I do?

And wots the most you ever got tickled ? please tell me what it was like and where they got you and how long it lasted.

please help!




  1. Being tickled against your will is child abuse. Tell them that and if they do it report them. If you tickle someone against their will like that your assaulting them, so don't do it again, or you could be in legal trouble yourself.

  2. I stopped reading after you spelled "because" as "becoz". You're ******* retarded.  

  3. Keep a weapon handy and threaten them when they come near

  4. well im telling you now.. HIDE SOMEWERE COZ its bad.

    well it feels like ur stomach is about to rip apart THATS how bad lol

    goooood lucccck dont forget to hide:P

  5. You can't be any more ticklish than me,

    and it takes at least 10 min straight to

    make me pee and pass out, (If they

    know my spots).

    The most I ever got tickled? I've been

    tied and tickled by maniac friends and

    lovers for hours many times, but the

    MOST I was tickled wasn't the worst.

    I guess the most longest I was ever

    tickled was the night of my 30th

    birthday. Friends got me drunk enough

    so I was silly and tied me up. My b/f

    was there and helped, (I'm g*y) and

    told them all my spots. They gave me

    lots of breaks and drinks so I wouldn't

    get too dry from all the laughing, but I

    was drunk already so they told me I

    peed 5 times. They tickled me from

    11:30 that night until after 5:00 in the

    morning, when I passed out from

    exhaustion. I think there were 4 or 5

    people tickling. I know my b/f Kenny

    was, and Josh, Harold and Jean Louis.

    It could have been a few more its hazy.

    Anyhow they tickled my pits, ribs, belly,

    chest, thighs, knees, and worst of all

    my feet bottoms. They also ended up

    taking off my speedos, (it was a pool

    party) and tickling Mr. Happy until he

    "popped" 11 times. That's what they

    told me, and if it's true its my record.

    I remember some of it and I was in

    complete wild hysterical panic, shrieking

    with laughter until I was crying with snot

    running out my nose and eyes watering,

    mouth drooling, twisting and thrashing

    around, (I was tied to a bed) begging

    when I could talk a little. I guess it was

    a good time. I know it was for them, and

    I was so exhausted I slept all day after.

    There are more details but I can't write

    it on here. e-mail if U wish.  

  6. teel them to stop because you don't like tikling  

  7. I died when it went past 15 seconds D:

    But maybe after this, you'll have a new tolerance against being tickled!

  8. Run away and hide. HIDE.

    It made me cry when it happened to me. I was laughing so hard.

    Either that or get yourself in a REALLY serious state of mind. That way, the tickling won't be funny.

    At least that works for me.

  9. omg! hide or for me just try not and laughas hard as u can but i loved 2 b tickled so i just love it! but i am very ticklish oon my neck andarmpits and sides just laugh and laugh its fun!

  10. OMG, grow up.

  11. On my birthday my mate lured me to his house after school and him and some of my other friends tied me up very tightly, took my socks off and proceeded to colour in the soles of my bare feet with a biro pen.  It was really tickly and i begged them to stop but they wouldn't.  It was absolute torture.  You should go and hide because it is horrible and you won't like it.

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