
My parents are insured with AAA auto insurance, can I drive their car without adding me ot the policy?

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My parents have AAA auto insurance. I dont have a car, and I just moved back in with them very recently. I dont want to add myself to the policy because id literally be driving once a week. I do however live with them (very recent move), and I was wondering if I am covered on their policy?

They are insured with AAA.

Thanks in advance




  1. Legally, all drivers in the household are to be listed on the policy. If you have a bad driving record... DUI, tickets, etc. it could increase their rates, or cancel their policy. And... if you get in an accident, and they find out you live in the household without being listed, it could jeopardize your coverage.  

  2. not covered

    you are a risk

    you need to be added to the policy

    call them verify


  3. If you live in the house, you have to be covered. If they let a friend borrow their car, the insurance would follow the vehicle, but since you are a member of the household, the insurance company assumes you are driving the car regularly. Usually, the insurance company makes parents of 16-year-olds put the kid's name on the insurance unless they sign a statement saying that kid will NEVER drive the car. If the parents sign that statement and the kid gets into an accident, the insurance company will not cover it.  

  4. Peter S, There are lots of websites where you can get an online quote. It only takes 5 minutes to do.

  5. Insurance follows the vehicle. You can not REGULARLY drive, but if you just borrow the car and something happens, their insurance will pay. Any damage you cause that is over their policy limit you would be responsible for though. So, keep that in mind when you let someone borrow your car! Your insurance is the first hit!

  6. I would like to recommend you some useful infomation here.

  7. You can drive but it is good to be on the actually card. My parents have me on theirs just in case I need something. drive safe!

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