
My parents are letting me move to L.A. any advice?

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OK I'm 13 and my parents are allowing me to move to L.A. with someone that they trust that are just starting out with family and stuff. So I can persue my acting career. Because they say they are very comfortable here and they are NOT moving. But I can. They will lay off their jobs and go there and get me settled until they find someone and then move back here. I was just wondering how could we find someone good that will look after me?. And don't say I'm not somebody ele's responsibility, because I'm just striving on living my dream and the people that look after other people's children, they do it because they want to. thank you.




  1. was your parents being serious?

  2. By "someone to look after you", do you mean your guardians or like an agent?  Your best bet would probably be to go to an arts school, they have people who are there to point you in the right direction.  And you will be better off if you back up your skills with the education.  LA has a lot of great aspects, just be careful about what street you wander down.  If your parents don't already know someone who you can live with, I don't think that there's really any way to just find someone.  Try looking into a school with dorms or an exchange program through your school.  That's usually the safest way.

  3. Is a stranger looking after you or family?

    If its family, then ok, but if not I really wouldnt do it if I were you.

    I also want to be an actress and I plan on moving to New York after I finish highschool.

  4. i love LA.  dont stress about it u will have fun

  5. I  would look in to some arts magnet schools where you will get a lot of music, dance, acting training. These are not private schools - they are free - but you will most likely have to audition. You say you are moving out with someone that your family trusts - but of course you will keep in constant contact with your family too. LA is a tough town and it is BIG and really spread out . I don't know where you are from - but one of the hardest things will be getting you around town for classes and auditions because the public transit here is not the best either. I am not in anyway trying to discourage you - I think it's great you are pursuing your dream - but be very careful - there are a lot of people who would take advantage of someone as young as you are. AND DO NOT BELIEVE ANYONE WHO SAYS "IF YOUR PARENTS GIVE ME $$$$$ I WILL MAKE YOU A STAR!"  THAT IS A SCAM!


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