
My parents are smoking pot. What do I do?

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I need some help about this. I've know for a while but I've been afraid to mention it. I did bring it up once when my mom and I were talking about drugs. But I only asked her if her and my father did smoke pot I did not mention I knew. I'm scared to bring it up to my mom and tell her I know because that could do some serious damage on this family. (We've been through a lot in the past few years.) I think I may talk to my grandpa about it. But first could someone tell me if smoking pot is wrong? Like is it even illegal? cause so many people do it. If it is what are some of the consequences? Please I don't want some pot head telling me how awesome it is. I've heard enough of that c**p from my mom.




  1. In the US, it is illegal, but in Canada and Australia, it is not.  I am not a pot smoker, but know many people who are.  They use it to calm their nerves and maintain in this crappy society we are in.  

    You would not believe the number of pot smokers out there.  It really needs to be legalized here in the US and has come close, but not passed yet.

    Tell your parents you know, and I'm sure they wont be surprised.  They will just tell you not to do it, to keep you from getting in trouble with the legal system yourself.  Parents always protect their kids.

  2. it is illegal and i am not realy sure the charges arw but they probalby are not very good anyways talk to your uncle and call the cops bcuz if you dont i will...

  3. I think that you need to let them know your concerns, and then let chips fall where they may. just remeember that they are still your parent and I am not sure that reporting your parents is a good ideal, that can lead to problems for you as well. Just try to work it out as a family.

  4. Yes, pot is illegal, but hey, so was alcohol in the 1920's. When I was growing up, my parents not only smoked pot, but had plants locked up in our basement. I was always threatening to call the police, so they ended up moving the plants to my uncle's house, but they still smoked it. This probably isn't the best advice, but either you can grin and bear it, or tell someone, which will probably end up with you in a foster home.  

  5. Yes, it's illegal. No, it isn't wrong. No drug is good for you -- not pot, not cigarettes, not alcohol. But pot is less harmful over all than alcohol. This is an adult matter and it is not something that you need or should concern yourself with. It is certainly not something you should discuss with anyone, because you can open up your parents to legal liability and even, possibly, get taken away from them. Think of how you would feel if that happened.

    PS -- Answerme is a hysterical, ignorant idiot. No harm will come to you from being in a house in which parents smoke pot, and no harm will come to your parents from smoking it. Those government web sites are designed to scare kids away from using it -- a good thing, but they aren't realistic. Most adults can see that, but kids can't. They don't have enough experience to know when they're being lied to or manipulated. In fact, by the time they've graduated high school, more than half of all people have tried smoking marijuana. It is a very mild drug, milder, as I said, than alcohol, which 2/3 of the population uses. No one has ever died from it and no one has ever lost their job or their family from using it, as people do from alcohol. No drug is good for you, but grownups do use them. There is far more harm in hysterical overreaction here than in the drug itself. And to those here who would take advantage of a child by scaring them, shame on you.

  6. that is wayyy wrong call the idk

  7. imo this falls under the same catagory as alcohol..

    its not bad for you so long as its not in excess... if its the first thing they do after getting home from work, if it takes place of anything more important in their life, if it starts to consume all their spare time and money... if no to those then loosen ur panties.. its really no worse then drinking beer.

  8. yes, it is illegal.  the only time it is legal is if a prescription is written, and then it is only legal in a few states, and the only reason a Rx would be written is if the person using it has cancer.  More than likely your parents have a problem with this drug.  

    I am glad to see that you are being much smarter than they are and you not smoking it with them.  You could talk to your grandpa about this, or you could just tell him that you are going to tell them that you know, and would rather not live with drug addicts, and see if it is ok if you live with grandparents until they decide which is more or the drug, it is their choice, but it is what it comes down to.....choose me or the drug, it is that simple.

  9. Pot is Illegal in Canada, as well as the United States. I don't know how that other poster got the idea we can smoke pot freely in Canada. I know, however, in certain States such as California, they can decriminalize the use of pot (which makes it legal for those with medical reasons to smoke). But the Federal Police do not recognize this and will punish those caught with marijuana.

    I don't think pot is that bad of a drug. It is no worse than alcohol and cigarettes, in moderation. Only when it begins to control the user's life does it become a problem. If you think telling your grandpa is the right thing to do, then do it.. But chances are he might already know.

    Just be happy that your parent's aren't growing and selling the drug. If they smoke it to calm themselves (you said you guys have been going through some hard times) and it seems to benefit then just let it go. You didn't mention anything about your parents being bad parents. So unless this becomes a big issue, just take it easy. You can't tell your parents how to live their life, no matter how much you may want to.

  10. Pot is illegal, and not exactly good for your health, mentally and emotionally.  But, your parents are adults and they can choose what they want to do.  It sounds like they're not doing it in front of you so at least they have that courtesy.  I would go ahead and bring it up that you know what they've been doing, and you don't exactly like it.  But that's about all you can do.

    On the bright side, consider it a life lesson - that you will not do drugs yourself.

  11. Hi there,

    NOTE: This is my personal opinion. I am not a medical professional. Use advice at your own discretion.

    Aww, I'm so sorry that you are going such a difficult period with your parents. Just remember, to always be informed! I'm so glad you asked this question actually! Kudos for wanting to know. There are a lot of websites about drugs.

    And yes, marijuana is illegal in most places.

    And yes, it can cause a whole lot of health problems.

    And yes, it does have a lot of side effects, both long and short term.

    "A drug may be helpful or harmful. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry.

    Although substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, taking illegal drugs, and sniffing glue can all cause serious damage to the human body. Some drugs severely impair a person's ability to make healthy choices and decisions."

    That is a quote from the following website:

    The following is taken from the following website:

    "Q: What are the short-term effects of marijuana use?

    A: The short-term effects of marijuana include:

    problems with memory and learning ;

    distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) ;

    trouble with thinking and problemsolving ;

    loss of motor coordination; and

    increased heart rate.

    Effects can be unpredictable, especially when other drugs are mixed with marijuana"

    There is more.


    The most widely used illegal drug in the United States, marijuana resembles green, brown, or gray dried parsley with stems or seeds. A stronger form of marijuana called hashish (hash) looks like brown or black cakes or balls. Marijuana is often called a gateway drug because frequent use can lead to the use of stronger drugs.

    Street Names: pot, weed, blunts, chronic, grass, reefer, herb, ganja

    How It's Used: Marijuana is usually smoked — rolled in papers like a cigarette (joints), or in hollowed-out cigars (blunts), pipes (bowls), or water pipes (bongs). Some people mix it into foods or brew it as a tea.

    Effects & Dangers:

    Marijuana can affect mood and coordination. Users may experience mood swings that range from stimulated or happy to drowsy or depressed.

    Marijuana also elevates heart rate and blood pressure. Some people get red eyes and feel very sleepy or hungry. The drug can also make some people paranoid or cause them to hallucinate.

    Marijuana is as tough on the lungs as cigarettes — steady smokers suffer coughs, wheezing, and frequent colds.

    Addictiveness: Teens who use marijuana can become psychologically dependent upon it to feel good, deal with life, or handle stress. In addition, their bodies may demand more and more marijuana to achieve the same kind of high experienced in the beginning."

    That is from the website page:

    "Q: What are the long-term effects of marijuana use?

    A: Findings so far show that regular use of marijuana or THC may play a role in some kinds of cancer and in problems with the respiratory and immune systems.


    It’s hard to know for sure whether marijuana use alone causes cancer, because many people who smoke marijuana also smoke cigarettes and use other drugs. But it is known that marijuana smoke contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per day may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day .

    -Lungs and airways

    People who smoke marijuana often develop the same kinds of breathing problems that cigarette smokers have: coughing and wheezing. They tend to have more chest colds than nonusers. They are also at greater risk of getting lung infections like pneumonia.

    -Immune system

    Our immune system protects the body from many agents that cause disease. It is not certain whether marijuana damages the immune system of people, but both animal and human studies have shown that marijuana impairs the ability of T-cells in the lungs' immune systemm to fight off some infections."

    This quote was taken from the following web page:

    Okay, so that is some basic information on that drug.

    Anyway, I do  believe that it is a great idea to talk to your grandfather about this. I hate to say this, but it's not really safe, or healthy for you to be in a house where illegal drug abuse is so common. Your grandfather can help. Use your own judgement to decide what is best for you.

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