
My parents are so overprotective.?

by  |  earlier

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I am 16 years old ( in one month i'll be 17 ) and my parents won't let me stay out past 9-10 on weekends. I'v done nothing in the past such as drinking, smoking etc...and they no this but for some reason they still dont trust me. I'v tryed compromise and everything with them, but they wont budge. The only thing I can think of is threatning to move out. I am thinking of saying ill get a job full time, along with school and just get my own place. My question to you this legal? can they legally stop me from doing this? or do you have any other suggestions?




  1. Be careful what you wish for . . . you just might get it.  You need to learn early in life that you don't make threats -- you make promises, and you better be prepared to back them up.  Realistically, without a job or any means of income that can completely support you, you aren't going anywhere, and your parents know that.

    And by completely support, I mean housing, electricity, food, insurance, car payments, gas, clothing, cell phone bill, cable tv bill, furniture, pots/pans . . . you know, the stuff that goes INTO "your own place."  Get real, kiddo.  That's not happening.

    If it's any consolation, most 16/17 year olds go through a period like this.  I remember screaming at my mother (at 16) that I could not WAIT to turn 18 and MOVE OUT!!  She just smiled and said, "Neither can I, dear!"  I went on to college, and ironically ended up living at home until I was 25, due to a strange work situation and getting enaged and married.  It's odd -- the older I got, the smarter my parents got.  :-)   They love you so much -- one of these days, you'll realize just how much, but right now, it's hard to deal with.  

  2. deal with it for one more year

  3. They can't legally throw you out of the house.

    But if they don't want you working they can make you stop working. You can't get your own place at your age. But just start saving to get out of there.  

  4. There is no landlord that will rent to a minor; it isn't legal.  And, your parents are legally responsible for you until you are 18.  Just bear with it, it's only another year and then you can move out on your own.

  5. They can do anything,but if they would,then they will probably need to know that you will really dislike them for a long period of time.

    This will be stupid from their side.

    Answer mine! Short,easy,fast and fun! :D

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