
My parents are so strict about the internet and i want to ask them if i can have my own time on without them?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want them to always hover so i am going to ask if they can gice me some slack any suggestions (this Q is for parents only)




  1. hi i'm a mum and also a youth worker.  I'm not an olddie i'm only 21. i can understand wot ur saying but i can also understand where ur parents r coming from with all the grooming that has happened with the internet.  The best advice i can give u is ask them the worst they can say is no but if they do say no try to understand they r just looking out for u. gd luck and don't kick off if they say no.

  2. It is only for your protection.  There are freaks out there that want to rape and kill on the internet.  

    Thank God you have parents that care about you.  Believe me, I do it for my daughter.

  3. Well I'm not a parent but I have parents like yours. Let me guess when you have to clean your room it has to be spottless, and your dad is always checking to make sure that what your wearing is appropriate, right??? Well if this is the case you need to sit down with them and explain that your growing up. They need to give you space and trust you.

  4. it must suck being amish

  5. Depends on how old you are? They could put parent controls on you to limit what you do online, and who contacts you.

    or they can put a key logger on to check out everything you do when your online.

  6. forget it....

    in my opinion kids shouldn't be on the Internet at all without supervision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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