
My parents are way over

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I am 17 and i havent had a bofriend.....ever. I at home do my hair and makeup and when my mom just walks in (w/o knocking) she says "why are you getting all dressed up for?" She says I cant date until i am in college and that is if i am 19 or more. my cousins who are 15 and 13! have bfs and they sneak out to go to clubs and stuff. My cousin told me that i can come over next saturday to sneak out but i am scared lol..also i like this guy in school and i think he likes me but if he ever asked me out i would have to lie to my parents...

should i get a boyfriend..?

should i sneak out?





  1. Ok Sweetie..

    I am  13 now and I had two bfs when i was twelve and i have snuck out so i think you will be fine if i can do it u can do it.

  2. Well you've already made your dicision when you said "my parents are way over protective..."

    So obviously you think they are and plan on doing it?

    Personally I think sneaking out to a club is a bad idea, and tell at least your 13 year old cuz to buck down and stop goofing off! She is WAY too young for that c**p.

    You on the hand, it is your choice.

  3. Why do you need a guy?  Be comfortable with yourself and when the time is right you'll meet a guy.  Lots of people don't date.  It's other people's way of making you feel bad about yourself.  Don't fall into that!

  4. No, definitely don't sneak out. If you do that will only make your parents loose trust in you. Trust me, that would only make things worse. About the boyfriend thing...If he does ask you out tell your parents. Don't sneak around. Again, if they find out it won't be good. Show them that you can be trusted to go out with him and not do anything irresponsible. They would probably feel more comfortable if they met him before you two went out. Maybe the four of you can go out to dinner or spend the day together before you two go out on your own. I know it sounds like a boring date, but it would give your parents a chance to get to know him and possibly even trust him. Hope I helped. Good luck!

  5. My mom was so hard on me, It didn't help every time I got the chance I would slip out , I know if I were you I would be gone ! If you get caught next time you slip out do twice the fun ! Go for it.

  6. Get a boyfriend.

    You'll be more safe than sneaking out without parents permission.

    Get a boyfriend sort of behind their back. Don't mention it to them, and tell your boyfriend to call on restricted and at a certain time they are not home. And when you go out with him say your with a friend. Maybe call the friend and let them know they may call.

    Warm-up the idea to them that you want one and that you have one. They will get around to it...

    Better than getting grounded for sneaking out.

  7. If you sneak out and get caught, your parents will definatly be over protective because that trust will be totally shot.

    Tell them that they have raised you to make the right decisions (that line will definatly get them lol) and if they really trusted you then they would let you go out every once in awhile. Start out by just going out with your friends. Keep checking in with your parents. Let them know where you are, who you're with, etc. Come home a few minutes earlier than your curfew. That will build up trust. Just keep doing this and they will probably become more lenient. Then introduce a boy...let them meet him and few times and get to know him. Then they will trust him too. good luck!

  8. I think you should sneak out and I think you should also have a bf too

  9. Sneak out i would, you shouldnt let ya parents rule ya life your 17 for gods sakee your growing up they cant wait till you 19 thats perfeticc! SNEAK OUTT.

  10. Breaking your parents trust is never a good idea. It's certainly not a good way to get what you want. If you and this chap at school hit it off, you'll just have to keep your relationship to school.

    I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 21, more than a year after I'd moved out of home.

  11. man my first boyfriend was at 10

  12. your parents are not overprotective at all. why cant you just stay home?

  13. i agree with tennis and christine

  14. your cousins are 15 and 13, and they sneak out and go to clubs? eh. wrong, i highly doubt that.. but they might get more privledges.. and hey,  you'll become the more civilized human being rather than them.. there's nothing you can really do, except maybe sit down and have a nice talk with your mom, maybe that would help? good luck!

  15. Sweetie don't be so quick to grow up.  I don't think that you should sneak out.  I think that best thing to do is talk to your parents.  Maybe make an agreement that your boyfriend comes your house if he wants to spend time with you.  Maybe they are just afraid of what could happen.  Of course if you go away to college they won't be there and you can date all you want and they really won't be able to do anything.  

  16. you can do whatever you want when you are 18 so you don't have to wait till your 19. I would get a boyfriend but I would not sneak out because if your parents a that protective and they found out they would kill you.


  18. when your 18, your an adult and do whatever you want, id go with the cousin take some risk for once ;]

    **good luck!

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