
My parents being nasty?

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my parents have been really horrid to me lateley. they make fun of me-i have gained a few pounds- no i mean seriously they make fun of me, my dad even made a song entitled "young fattie" and thier fat as well!

i understand doing stuff for your parents since they are your parents in all but ill obediently do as they say then they start to get petty with it. like-give me the channel changer,turn off that light,pour me somthing to drink,give me my shoes, go find my cell phone. all in a range of 15 minutes.

we moved recently and only have 2 bathrooms. my parents use both of them. and my did will p**s all over the freaking stool. its nasty. and my mom will use the tolet, then my dad, and they will leave pee in there untill it freaking stains the toilet, and smells. how do i deal with all of this?




  1. if you really cant stand it, move out when you're 18 or if you're already 18 then just leave.

  2. call child services. they'll fix it for you.

  3. run away. lol na jk dude confront your parents...but that would be weird lol

  4. sounds to me they were especting more of you and you leet them down and are mad at you and take it  at you in making fun of you. alsow your a female and you can try to clean up your dad's mess up your not a kid anymore you can take care of mess.

  5. That's so horrible!

    They're your parents, they can't make fun of you!

    Ugh, that makes me wanto puke.

    Seriously, you need to talk with them.

    You should tell them that if they want you to respect them and help them out, they need to start respecting your feelings.

    Maybe you should try avoiding them and be distant with them, so that they will just leave you alone.

  6. Get an obnoxious pug that chews the furniture and wipes his a** on the carpet.

  7. it sounds like you have typical parents problems. i have the same problem with my dad. he is so lazy and expects me to do everything. lucky for me he moved to a different state and we arent on good terms at all. i would try to work it out with your parents so you dont end up in my situation. just ignore them. go out with your friends, stay in your room. avoid them and if they ask why tell them in a mature way that they dont treat you how they should and when you are 18 you are moving out. they will get the picture.

  8. i sometimes feel like that with my mom. she just started working and hasn't been able to clean the house so iv'e been doing it all week and on saturdays and i wouldnt mind it so much if on the days she has off she would at least give me a break! but anyways i get it. your parents dont appreciate you and they take advantage. Have you tried talking to them? Telling them how you feel? I know with my mom it wouldnt work, but maybe it will for you?

  9. talk to them. try sleepovers at friends houses as much as possible. Try to go into the bathroom a lot, so they can't ask you to do anything.

  10. try getting even with them but don't over do it. Try getting out of the house, socialize, join clubs, sports,(not saying that your fat or anything) dats what i do, i even got a job so i don't have to deal with my folks. Hope this helps

  11. Talk it over with them.

    Set up a cleaning schedule, I don't know.

    Just take action of some sort!

  12. Tell them you have had it with being their little b*tch and you want them to stop being filthy pigs.

  13. wow that's gotta be tough... if you are able to talk to your parents you should. sounds like they're being really rude to you and stuff. it's not right. parents should be encouraging, not mocking you and ordering you around like a slave. just ask for a few minutes to explain your side or the situation, and ask if they could try to see things through your eyes for a while. depending on your parents, this may or may not help. may as well give it a try though! good luck!

  14. all parents are wierd my friend, either talk to them about it or just endure it, it might just be a phase. most parents usually take out their stress on their children

  15. Gosh thats really awful. I know this will be hard to do but you need to ignore them especially when their calling you names and things of that nature. Do you have a grandmother or aunt you can go stay with for awhile. Your parents seem to be really immature just ignore them. Good Luck! Don't let them get you down

  16. tell a counselor or something!! ewww

  17. wow. find out y theyr doing this now....have u done something stupid to upset them? or have they decided to be retarded?

  18. thats pretty discusting i think your options are to either sit down and have a serious talk with them or start being really nasty to them i.e dont do anything they ask you to do and make fun of something that would hit a nerve (i know it sounds nasty but when they ask why do u keep saying it go well now you know i feel) and the last option when you have tried all these is move out either go live with a friend or find your own apartment or something but it would most likely be temporary because they will come running.

    but to make the moving situation more affective you should pack a bag once you have organised some where to stay go to your parents and say "im sick of this i cant live with you any more becaue________ and just storm out of the house dont even tell them where your going.

    hope iv helped

  19. Tell them they are being childish as far as the song goes. That will make them think.

    Then get involved in stuff so your not around for them to ask you to do their tasks.

    As far as the toilet thing, maybe write a note and tape it to the toilet saying. "didnt your mother teach you to lift the seat and flush when your done"

  20. definitly go talk to someone because that is nasty and there taking extreme advantage of you. child services hunny! verbal abuse!!!

  21. gross, put yourself up for adoption lol

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