
My parents both died within this last year and now there is fighting.

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Mom and dad didnt have a will because they where very poor and didnt have much.The only things of value is some nic nac's and a rifle that we bought for my dad when we where very little with our change that we saved up.Back in the 60's .Dad liked to deer hunt .The problem is that there is 4 of us 3 girls and 1 brother .My brother is in prison and will not get out for a Very long time, and my younger sister didnt have anything to do with my mom and dad for 8-10 yrs and before then she was real nasty and hurt them alot.My older sister took care of them these last 8 yrs.Now am I wrong to think that my sister has the right to what little there was to have as she was there for them daily and did everything for them like taking them to the dr ,cooking,getting med's for them.Making sure they had everything they needed.My sister and brother are saying they are going to sue for their share.But all they want is either the gun or something they can sell.My brother wants to sue so all can be sold so he can get he's $50 .My sister has told everyone to come to mom and dads and get what they want but not the gun as she fears it will get sold and its the only thing my dad really enjoyed having mostly because we saved for 1 year to buy it for him and we where all small when we bought it for him.So it is basiclly about a gun that have no value but sintimental




  1. I am glad you can understand all your sister did for your parents.   What little they had of worth should go to her and I know the court system would say the same thing.  

    If they didn't see your parents for 8 to 10 years and hurt them terribly, why would they even want anything that belonged to them?  Why does she expect they have a right to anything?

    If your siblings sue, they will be spending their own money for nothing.  And for what, a 48 year old gun.   How silly can that be.

    If you want to, take it to a gun place to see how much it is worth.  What ever they say devide it by two, your brother and yourself.  Let the older Sister give you and your brother a half

    of what the gun is worth, then she keeps the gun.  Your younger sister is out of the picturre on this since she did not contribute anything toward buying the gun.

    Good Luck!!!  

  2. Geez. Pay the bloodsuckers off already and keep the sentimental stuff.

  3. everything should go to your sister that has cared for them for years. when my grandmother died she had 6 kids whatever each kid bought for her they got back. maybe you should just give him $50 and save everyone the headache.

  4. I'm so deeply sorry to hear about your loss.  It pains me to think that people will fight over a loved ones belongings. The way I see it is you can split the knic knack's between those who want them.  If your brother is in jail then why bother saving a gun for him to sell.  If you or your sister who took care of your parents want the gun and are going to keep it for memories then I say one of you take it.  Your brother wont sue you for that.  It wont be worth it to him in the long run.  I think its great that you are willing to let your sister have the gun but just make sure you get a knick knack.  Save one for your sister and brother to just so you each have something from them.

    Again sorry to hear about your loss and sorry siblings can be such a pain.

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