
My parents call me stupid I (get all As and Bs in honors classes) and tell me I won't get into college.?

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Every day they tell me that I won't even get into a community college because I'm not very good at math. They always call me an idiot and say that I should be in a mental institution because I don't understand functions. Then they always compare me to my sister who was valedictorian (and very math-skilled), because they know I won't be it. They don't even acknowledge that I've extremely talented at all right-brained things and are ashamed to display my report card. And my mom tells all her coworkers how difficult I am and how many problems I cause. Then they send me on a daily guilt trip about how I'll put them in debt for college (granted that I get in) because I won't get any scholarships. I used to be able to handle the insults because I had a great history teacher who understood my problems. He was really the only adult that I could ever talk to. But now I don't have him and I'm crying, which is something I don't tend to do. I'm generally a very tough 16 year old, but I'm really losing it right now.




  1. i am so sorry your parents are such asses, your are 16 so if you want to go to court and try to prove to the court you are responsible to move out on your own try that.You say you have good grades, i am not saying you are not trying hard enough but since your parents probably wont pay for your college if u move out(or try to) try to get a full scholarship. here some things you can do...

             do some extra curricular activities

        they will probably prefer if you did something like science club,do a sport,tutor someone in your best subject,maybe do some help in your school office or help your teacher grade and stuff.teachers always need some help.


  2. Given the fact that you get all A's and B's in honor classes, I can't understand why your parents are being so hard on you. You sound like a very intelligent person who shouldn't have any problems getting into a community college or an Ivy league school if that's the path you choose to take.

    I feel you should take every ounce of your parents' negative energy and turn it into a positive.  Don't let their childish behavior prevent you from continuing to persevere.  I have a friend who went through the exact same thing -- being compare to her sibling, extra.  She didn't let her parents negative behavior hold her back.  If she had, she wouldn't be the successful Doctor she is today.  As for her sibling, let's just say she still lives at home and unemployed.  Who's sorry now!

    Please do me a favor and find someone trustworthy that you can talk to when things get too overwhelming at home.  We all need someone to talk to from time to time.

    Take care and take it one day at a time!

  3. Ive been there.  My parents always compared me to my older sister who gave no trouble in school.  I gave trouble because I had a hard time paying attention (I guess I had ADD) and did not do very well in grade school.  As time went on, I did better since I got to where I liked my teachers better.  While I was no valedictorian, I still graduated in a high percentage of my class (cant remember).  I went on to college and graduated with honors and I am sure you can do the same.  You've got to want it, though and bad.

    Anyways, you cant let what they say get you down.  Do what you know you can do and let it go.  If they cant be happy with that, then that is too bad.  Some people are better at other things.  For your sister, it was math.  But math is not as much your thing.  Go for precal.  You have no reason not to.  You can go a long way with that.  

    You are in no way stupid if you make As and Bs in school.  I wish I had done better, but I cant go back now.  I have to life with my choices.  Your well on your way to college!  Talk to a school counselor about your grades and start working towards the college of your choice.  If your parents think they are wasting money on your college, then see what scholarships you can get.  What is not covered you can get a student loan for.  You will have to have a job, but you can do this!  Please dont give up on your dreams, keep working towards them.  Prove them wrong.  If one person can do it, so can you.  Please dont give up, talk to someone.

  4. Well you can just come and live with us. I know how heart breaking it can be to be called names by your parents. The only person you have to prove anything to is yourself, to make yourself a better person than your parents. And hopefully one day when your a parent you'll be a GREAT one. To write things down always seems to take that load off your shoulders. Have you got a close Aunty,  Uncle or cousin you can talk to? Even a school counsillor. Please try not to let them sadden you, Its tough i know but smile when ever you can. You have to be happy with who you are, and believe me there is just no comparing with that big sister, I've tried. Be good in life, be good in school, be respectful to others, And most of all be good and true to yourself.  

  5. Im really sorry

    my mother was the same way except i never did make A's and B's

    you are amazing child!

    unfortunatly you have to live with them until your 18 but in the mean time keep your chin up, and keep striving to do your best, not for your parents, not for your sister, for you!

    you need to realize that they want you to quit, be the better person

    if you really want to p**s tem off then just agree with everything they have to say about you, dont even get mad.

    when my mother told me these things i laughed and she hated it!

    i told her that there was nothing she could ever say to me to make me quit or give in. i said that im gonna do what i have to for me and you wont be there to receive any credit for helping me with it. i told her that honestly i didnt give a F about what she thought and to keep her opinions to herself and if she didnt want to pay for my college tuition then i will get a student loan.

    most likely you willget a scholarship. you have A's and B's and your in Pre- Cal! i couldnt pass Alegbra 2. dontlet them get you down sweet heart. and when you make it make sure to give them the credit they deserve (nothing).

  6. Why? They're supposed to support you, not bring you down! What kind of parenting is that?

  7. how stupid of them.  seriously.  like, i know they are your parents and all but even when i got S****y grades my parents always encouraged me to do better.  and they praised me when i got good grades.  idk, im really with you on this one, i know plenty of people who suck donkey balls at math but go on to lead great lives with good jobs.  im just not sure what to do to solve it.  you need to find a way to just let it roll off your shoulders.  or talk to a school guidence counseler about it.  they may be able to get your parents to understand how well your doing acidemicly and what it can achieve for you.  so i guess my suggestion is to explain the situation to your schools guidence counseler and see if they can explain all this to your parents.  because As and Bs in honor classes? yeah, dude, if i was your parents i would be thrilled with you, and try my hardest to make sure you knew how much *** you kicked.

    edit: ps, like, i know this sounds mean, but seriously, think how freaking awsome it will be to prove them wrong when you graduate and get into a sweet school.  that will be the best revenge against them and the best reward for you, so never give up.  things always look like **** before they get better

  8. tell your parents that when they tell you stuff like this, it actually worsens your grades because when parents say stuff like this, you actually believe them subconsicly. tell them that if you had more support then you would do better. and besides, not everyone can be valedvictorian. i feel bad for you , and i hope things get better!

  9. don't mind what they are not are an important know who you are and your know that you are the opposite of what they say.just prove to them that you will strive to achieve your goal in life.May the LORD bless your heart.keep on being strong.despite the insults you receive,just press on and keep showing them love.if you are through in high school then try to find a work to support you through college if they will not provide for can e-mail me if you need to talk to someone.

  10. Simple: Prove them wrong. :)

    You know what a great kid you are, and I bet they will be eating their words when you get into Harvard!

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